"So what do I do to get more points? Don't tell me"

"Host can get points by doing a mission and killing monsters and beasts"

I know it.

"Monsters and Beasts? Isn't that two similar"

"No host a beast is one that raises their ranks on their own and a monster is a beast that takes a dark energy inside their body to raise their ranks a human can become a monster too"

"System isn't I considered a half beast when I eat a zoan devil fruit"

"When you raise your rank to silver warriors you can form a fact with a spirit and integrate them to make yourself stronger it's best for the host to just show your dragon form when you're at silver warrior so that people won't find it suspicions"

That just like the popular novel that I read the T**** O* D**** A** G****

"Now let's find something to kill to get some points"

The moment Arthur stepped his right foot

"What the"

He accelerates and stumbles and found himself kissing the earth

'Fuck' he cursed

He forget that He got a sudden increase in his stat that means he still hadn't adapted to it yet then what the fuck is the use of instant mastery then


Mission # 1: Adapt yourself on your new body

Reward: 200 points, Flying Carpet

Mission # 2: Find a Village

Reward: 1000 points, Zanpakuto

"You said new body that means this is not my body from earth then"

"Yes Host, your former body was smacked by truck and can't use it anymore the space god was generous enough to make you a new body"

Suddenly he stands up and looks at his little brother

"Oh thank god you didn't get small praised the lord"

His little brother was one of his prides in his last life it was 11 inches when it stands

Arthur don't want to imagine if it suddenly gets shorter and taking a closer look at his little brother instead he thinks that it got bigger

"Praise the Lord Almighty"

Don't worry little brother you will see little sister soon, soon

Now let go find some beasts to level up and get some points

He looks at his map and sees that there a forest 3 km ahead of him and he can only see 6 km around him

"How big is this place?"

He carefully walks so that he won't kiss mother Erath again




After some time of carefully walking and few stumbles his getting adapt to his new body and now he finds himself standing in the entrance to the forest

He looks at the map to see if there is possible danger the close to him he saw that there are small red dots and some big red dots

"System what is the meaning of this different shapes of red dots"

"It means the larger the dot is the more powerful that being are"

What a useful map this is now he can see if they are powerful individual that near him and base on what he see there are only small dot in the outer part of the forest and some bigger dot deep inside the forest

"Now let's get this new adventure started"

But before he even steps inside the forest he saw a two red light

What's that? And when he looks a little closer he sees that it's not a red light but an eye, a red eye and when the creature with a red eye revealed it whole body to him

"Fuck Me."