Arthur started thinking of a plan on what to do in this kind of situation he never been in a fight before much less a dragon fight and he still can't fully control his new body so the plan that he come up with was....Let's just run the hell outa here


Suddenly he heard the nightmare dragon roar so he instantly transform himself in his eastern blue dragon form and start making clouds to let him fly but then.



Mission # 3: Your journey hasn't begun yet and nothing will stop you. Survive the hurdle

Reward: 2000 points, 1 black gold crystal, 2 gold crystal, 3 silver crystals, and 4 silver crystal,1 lottery ticket


Arthur was in shock when he sees the nightmare dragon kneels down and bowed to him then asks for forgiveness, he didn't even know what was going on

System: Because it thought that you are a black gold dragon warrior that can transform himself to human form

What an easy points

Arthur: Why you didn't just suggested me to transform so I won't need to stress myself thinking of a plan

System: You did not ask host and the system doesn't want the host to rely to the system to much you won't grow this way

Arthur: Yeah you're right I will try my best to solve my own problem from now own And what I'm I going to do to these crystal I don't even need them to rank up

System: Host can just sell or auction them remember in this world they are very rare

Arthur: Easy money they

Then Arthur looks down at the kneeling dragon and now he know that the dragon was scared of him because it thought that he was a powerhouse

Lets continuo this play shall we

Arthur: It's alright you can stand up now what is your name

ND: Thank you my lord this one's name is Akumu

Arthur: Akumu what a suitable name

Akumu: Thank you for your phrase my lord

Arthur: So akumu what are you doing here at the outskirt of the black forest

Dark Forest that's the name of the forest that was in front of him and a perfect place to train and level up because it has a lot of beast and according to the system it is also one of the dangerous places in the continent and the dark forest also cover almost the quarter of the Aquarius continent it was a very vast land many countries has tried to conquer it but none succeeded

Just like the countries who was inhabited by a black gold king the dark forest was also inhabited by a black gold beast and monsters

That's why when akumu sees that the little human transform himself to a dragon she thought that he was one of the lords of the dark forest she hastily ask for forgiveness

Akumu: I was just passing in this place when I sense a higher class dragon and it suddenly vanish so I thought it died and try to use its remains to help myself and I never thought to meet your human form my lord so please forgive me for being rude to you

Arthur: A very honest one I like you so don't worry and there still places that I need to be so I need to go now

Akumu: Thank you for your phrase my lord and be the blessing of dragon god kukulkan be with your journey

As akumu sees off the eastern dragon fly in a different direction she breathe a sigh of relief

Akumu: I thought I'm going to die there what a stupid decision that I done if not for the generosity of lord...…..wait I didn't get the name of his highness dragon lord