If there is one thing that Arthur hated the most, it's a woman tears, he hates seeing a woman cry they should be happily laughing not crying

Arthur looking at Anne Gal while she cries if he could do anything to make her stop crying he would do it

Oh? He can

He pulled out his Gold Crystal from his inventory



Anne raises her head and look at the thing that he was giving to her and to her shock

"T-t-this is a Gold Crystal"

She raises her voice seeing him holding a piece of Gold Crystal

"Yes, here take it"

"Why are you giving me this, you should know how important and how rare one of this are"

Anne Gal knew that millions of people will fight just to get a chance to advance into Gold Warrior Ranks, blood will be shed from fighting just to get this piece of crystal

"Don't you need it?"

"Nah, this thing is worthless to me"

'Worthless to him' she thought

'Maybe he is already at Gold Rank so these crystals have no value to him' she added

She reaches out her hands and gets the crystal, she had no time to feel ashamed she must shamelessly take what he gave to her because she knew that if she passes this opportunity she won't be able to get out of her dark fate

"Thank you"

Anne Gal stands up and she tightly hugs him and puts her head on Arthur's neck

"Thank you, thank you, thank you"

Arthur was shock when she suddenly hugs him and he can also feel her two huge breasts

'That feels nice' he thought

She said multiple times and started crying on his neck

"I don't know if I could ever repay you"

Arthur holds her face and wipes her tears out then looks at her eyes

"Don't worry about it your smile is enough for me" he gently said to her

Anne Gal calms heart felt that it started to beat faster again and felt her face getting hotter

She suddenly wraps her hands around Arthur neck and kisses his lips



Arthur once again was shock by her action but he didn't push her away, it's free food there's no one saying no to free food

He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to his body then kisses back



Arthur said after they separated from two minutes of kissing

"I'm sorry I suddenly kiss you"

Anne apologized while having a red face she don't know what come to her to suddenly kiss Arthur

"Don't worry I enjoy it anyway"

He said while licking his lips, Anne seeing him licking his lips while looking at her made her blush even harder

"We should continue our conversation on the couch we are standing here for some time now"

Arthur suggested to Anne and started walking on the couch


Pat, Pat

He pats the spot next to him"

"You should sit here it's very comfortable"

Anne blushes then walks and sit by his side, when he saw Anne sit next to him he suddenly wrapped his left arm around her waist and pull her closer to him and rest her head to his shoulder

She just let him do what he wants and lean her head against his shoulder

"I'm not complaining but"

"Isn't this developing a little to past?"

Anne asked and looks at Arthur's direction

"It's only been 10 minutes since we met, we don't know much about each other except for our name"

"We can slowly work on that and that applies to our feelings too"

Arthur said and gently pick at her forehead

Even if they just met, Anne felt that she can entrust herself to him

"Can you tell me why you are so desperate to become a gold rank warrior?"

"It is because of my father, he arranged a marriage to me without my knowledge and I don't like it, I want to control my own life and marry someone that I love not someone that arranged for me"

"You don't have to worry about it anymore"

"Yes, it's all thanks to you" she said to him

"You can also have this"

Arthur then gives her again his only black crystal

Anne seeing the black crystal on Arthur's hand turns to stone

"You, don't tell me you also don't need it?"

"Yeah, this is useless to me"

"Are you a Black Gold warrior?" she shockingly asked him

"You called say that"

He mysteriously smiled at Anne

"You should stop showing me this kind of stuff my heart can't take it"

"What can I do your husband is very capable man"

Anne blushed when he calls him her husband

"We still haven't married yet"

"Yet? So you're not against marrying me?"

"You're bullying me"

Anne complained and lightly punches his chest

"Call me husband and I stop bullying you" he smiled at her

She blushes really hard

"..Hu…" she mumbled

"What I can't hear you"

"I said husband stop bullying your wife, there? are you happy now?"

"Happy of course I'm happy"

Arthur smiled and hugs her tighter