When Sol Gal arrives at the city gate with his men he saw that his daughter is really there but she was currently hugging an unknown man

'So my daughter went missing because she went and meet this man?" he angrily thought

If a word gets out that her daughter is seeing another man beside her fiancé his family will become a laughing stock, he can't have his reputation be ruined by an unknown kid


Sol Gal angrily shouted and points his index finger at Arthur


Arthur is a little annoyed he was consulting his wife because she was sad then here comes this monkey to ruined it

If Arthur didn't hear what the man said he already blast him to the kingdom come

'So this is her father, how?'

The man standing in front of him was at least 6 fts and 10 inches tall, has a square face, flat nose, big mouth and two pair of round ears his also hairy, if he will have a tail, Arthur may thought that he was a monkey


A Gorilla

But Gorilla don't have tail

So it was his right to be confuse, how can be this man be the father of his beautiful and gorgeous wife

'Anne look must be come from his mother'

Thank you mother in law for giving birth to a gorgeous daughter

Arthur closed his eyes and prayed inside his head

Seeing Arthur closing his eyes and start ignoring his command, Sol Gal got even madder

"Arrest this bumpkin"

"Yes, Sir"

The soldiers replied and followed their superiors commanded if they disobeyed they will be the one that will put into prison

"Who dare to arrest my husband?"

Anne coldly said and her eyes scan the incoming soldiers

The soldiers stop on their tracks hearing her cold world and when her eyes scan them they felt there spine shudder

Everyone was also stunned when she called the young man her husband


Sol Gal can't even believe the nonsense her daughter is telling them

"What do you men your husband? Explain yourself"

"Just like what you heard father, he is Arthur my husband"

Anne replied with emotionless face to her father but when she mentioned Arthur as her husband she blushed

Sol Gal can't believe what's happening in front of him his always emotionless daughter who always treated everyone coldly is blushing inside the embrace of an unknown man

"What sorcery had you done to my daughter you peasant?"

"He did no such thing to me father, He only gave me the thing I need to free me from my dark fate"

"What did you mean dark fate?"

"From the arrange marriage that you set up for me"

"You call that dark fate? I'm doing this for your own good"

"Don't give me that, I always know that you are not satisfied being a city leader, you want more that's why you set a marriage for me to raise your standing"

Anne coldly replied to her father

Sol Gal hearing his daughter mentions all his plan and ambition he felt tongue tied and can't say anything

'I'll deal with this peasant first then my daughter later' he plan in his mind

"Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Didn't I tell you to arrest him? Move"

He shouted towards his soldiers

The soldiers who are standing and don't know what to do suddenly hears their mayor shouting at them start to surround the young man again and tries to arrest him

They stop again on their tracks not because their young miss told them to but this time they felt a powerful pressure crushing down to them


"What's happening?"

"I can't move my body"


Every single one of them started to kneel down and can't move every part of their body

"You all can't just listen do you?"

Anne coldly said and started to leak her Black Gold Rank power and pressure everyone

Sol Gal who also felt her Rank was shock and he asked her with trembling voice

"This is impossible, how is your rank already at black gold rank?"

"You don't need to know"

Sol Gal can't believe that his daughter is already Black Gold Warrior the same rank as the current country ruler the he suddenly madly laughs


"At last my dream will come true"

"With the help of your Black Gold power, I can rule this country"


Anne coldly looks at her father who is madly shouting his ambition to rule the country

"I won't help you"


Sol Gal stopped his laugh and dumbly looks at his daughter

"What did you mean that you won't help me?"

"It is just like I said"

Anne just casually replied

"You can't do that to me"

Sol Gal madly shouts at her daughter, his ambition is already on his reach then she suddenly said that she won't help him?

"I am your father so my word is final"

Anne just stays silent because she knew that her father can't do anything to her, from now own the only one that can tell her what to do is herself

And her husband


She started daydreaming again

Arthur who always quit the whole time see his wife started to daydream again, he knew that she would be out for quite some time

"Let's gets this drama wrap up"

Arthur said and creates a wand


Sol Gal madly said and fiercely looks at Arthur, He must did something to his daughter he thought

He madly ran to Arthur raises his right hand and tried to punch Arthur perfect face

While Arthur seeing him blindly runs to him just casually raise his wand

"Ducklifors "

Quack! Quack! Quack?