"Another world? What kind of world?"

Anne was not shocked, her husband already explained to her that he is not from this world and he can go to another world as he please, she also knew that there still a lot of secrets that her husband wasn't telling her but she knew that he just needed some time before telling her all of them

"Well, you know once we get there"

Arthur mysteriously said to her

"You just want to go to another to get a woman do you?"

"Cough, cough"

Hearing her reply he got tongue tied and her throat felt dry, seeing him with an awkward face Anne knew that she deadly hit the center


She pouted and angrily looks at him

"You just finish fucking me and you're already thinking of another woman?"


Arthur didn't know how to replied at her question he started sweating and his back is also feeling cold, seeing him like this, Anne angry face turn gentle

"I know that I'm not the only one that will become your woman but"

She dangerously gripped Arthur's dick

"Next time don't think another woman when you just finish fucking one, Understand?"

"Understand, I understand"

Arthur madly nodded


She was satisfied with his answer and releases his jewel then pushes her breasts to his chest and cutely look to Arthur

"So, who's going to be my Sister?"

"It's a secret so be patient, ok?"

"Ok, husband"

Arthur then get out his diamond key from his storage, appearing at his palm is a 3 inches key made of diamond

"System, how do I use this?"

"Host just needs to put it in front of him and imagine unlocking a door"

They put their clothes first then Arthur stood up and did what the system suggested he put the Diamond key in front of him and imagine himself inserting the key to a door knob then twists the key to the right


He suddenly heard a clicking sound and what appear in front of him amaze him

A big door made of Diamond appeared, it has mysterious symbols surrounding its edges, on top of the door is a statue of two coiling dragon and their tails is all the way down to the base of the door


The two of them said at the same time, it just looks so majestic and beautiful

"Husband, what's this door for?"

Anne asked her husband

"This door will lead us to another world"

Then he pushed the door, what in the other side of the door is a huge diamond stair with many branches that also made out of diamond, each end of branches is a sphere surrounded by rainbow cloud

"System what is this giant stair and its branches, also those spheres surrounded by rainbow cloud"

"Host, all these branches are the road to another world, those sphere is the said world and those rainbow cloud that surrounding the sphere is the dimensional gap that prevents each world reality from clashing to each other"

"WHAT?! There so many of them how I'm I suppose to find the world that I want to visit"

Appearing in front of Arthur is a panel with a keyboard and search icon

"Well this is convenient"

He types the world that he wants to visit, when he finished the place suddenly turned into a galaxy and one of the branches turned gold

"So that's the world ah, come on wife that's our destination"

Arthur started walking followed by Anne, even the sphere looks so far it only takes them 1 minute to reach it

"Wow, the sphere looks much bigger up close"

Anne is also amaze

At the end of the branch is the same door they used this time this door is made out of gold

"Let's go"

Arthur held his wife hand and continued to walk to the golden door and open it

Inside is also a stair but this time it was just a single stair with rainbow clouds surrounding it and at the other side is another gold door

While walking to the other side of the door he suddenly felt his body being push at the side of the stair


He dumbly said while pulling down