Above the kuoh town, a mature woman with violet eyes is flying with two black feather wings behind her back she has a slender body with long silky black hair down to her hips

Her clothing consist of black strap like object around and under her breast, a thong like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small length of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her shoulder and black thigh high heel boots

Raynere was flying with a smile on her face she just finished her mission to eliminate Issie Hyoudou because residing in him is a sacred gear that posed a threat to the fallen angels

"I'm sure Azazel-sama will be proud of me" she said

Then continue to flies to the abandoned church, before she even gets there she suddenly felt someone grabbing her by the neck

"What th.."

Raynare felt dizzy then she noticed that her surrounding suddenly change, she was now in a room with two other people, she knows both of them there were kalawarner and mittelt they are lying down and seems to be unconscious


She turns her head and tried to look at the face of the one that abduct her and her group

"Wait a minute"

It was a young man with blue hair and blue eyes

'Handsome' she thought

He then disappeared again and when he appeared she was shock by the one that he brought with him

"Azazel-sama!" she shouted

"Ehh?, Raynare?"

Azazel confusingly replied seeing Raynare here, just a moment ago he is playing games on his house in Kuoh Town then he felt a presence appearing beside him before he can even ask some question, he felt dizzy and his surrounding changed




They suddenly heard someone clapping

Arthur P.O.V

Arthur nodded and satisfied with his work, he created the seal for Flying Thunder God Technique after he arrived in this world he knew that it will become handy in the future and it did, he also started communicating to his zanpakuto, his zanpakuto spirit is very friendly to say the least, he can already used its shikai and bankai but that's for the future, with the help of his observation haki it was easy for him to feel everyone's presence in the town and locate anyone, Arthur already gathered his three future employees he just needs their boss to approve




"Okay, let's talk some business"

Arthur said while clapping

"Who are you and what do you want"

Azazel vigilantly asked, he can feel that this human in front of him was not simple, to be able to easy kidnapped him was not a small feat and seeing that his three subordinate are also kidnapped, this human must want something from him

"I'm Bat.. I mean my name is Arthur and I don't mean any harm"

Arthur said while raising his hands showing that he really meant it

"So Arthur if you really meant no harm told us what you want"

Azazel question him again he can't drop his guard down until he knew what he really wants

"I just want to take these three of your subordinates as my employee"



"What did you just said? Seem that I misheard it" Azazel asked again just to make sure he heard him right

"I want to hire the three of them"

Azazel was now sure that he heard him right


"I need some baristas and waitress"

Azazel doesn't know what to say he as a Governor General of Fallen Angel got kidnapped by a human at that, for what? Just to ask him to employ his three subordinates?

"Why them? Why not hire some human instead?"

"I thought of that but then I remember that if I hire some humans I need to give them monthly wages so I choose the three of them instead"

"You know that you still to need give them their wages if you decided to hire them right?"

"That's why I specifically choose them because I don't need to give them wages anymore"

Arthur proudly smiled, it likes he come up with the best idea ever

"What do you mean you don't need to give them their wages anymore?"

'This conversation is getting weird' Azazel thought

Just a minute ago they were talking why he kidnapped them, now they were talking about wages

Kalawarner and Mittelt also long been awake and standing together with Raynare, they were listening to the conversation of the human that kidnapped them and their leader about wages

The three of them were confuse

'Just what is going on here' the three of them thought

"For starters, I just save them from their upcoming doom"

Arthur said pointing the trio

"What did you mean upcoming doom you lowly human the only doom here is you"

Raynare had enough of this lowly human then throws a light spear at him



Then they all saw something unbelievable

Arthur just flicked the incoming light spear and it dispersed into small particles