First Kill

Night fall

A & A Coffee Shop second floor, bedroom

Arthur and Venelana are standing beside the big bed, embracing and kissing each other, there tongue are entangling and making a sloppy sound, using each of their hands to feel each other body shape





They separated from each other with bridge of saliva connecting their lips, their looking at each other with lust in their eyes

"Dear, how did you knew that Rias will get out her marriage that way?"

Venelana curiosity asked, there so many evenst happened surrounding her daughter engagement and her husband knew all of it

"What I can say, your husband is very capable"

Just like Anne, Venelana knew that her husband has many secrets, she knew that in due time he will tell them everything, so they don't pry too much into it

"Let me see what else you're capable of then"

Venelana seductively whispered to her husband right ears and slide down her slender left hand and feel his dick above his pants then messages it to feel more his size

"Dear, you're really capable"

She blew her hot breath to his right ear then she kneels down, Venelana pull down his pants together with his boxer revealing her husband dick

Seeing personally its size Venelana unconsciously licked her lips

'Wow, it's so big' she thought

She gently wrapped her slender hand and move it in up and down motion, making Arthur dick twitch in pleasure


Arthur moaned

Hearing her husband blissful moaned, she can't stop herself any longer she opens her lips and take the head inside her mouth then bobs her head




Venenala looks up at Arthur as she swallows his whole dick down to its base to turn him on more and it looks like it was effective, she felt his dick gets bigger inside her mouth

Venelena knew that he is about to cum, she put her two hands behind him to get more grip and started bobbing her head even faster




"Ahhh, Venelana I'm coming"

Arthur shouted then grabs her head to push his dick to her mouth even deeper




Venelana let out a chocking sound, her husband cum was just too much for her to take, she tried to swallow and drinks some of them but that to prove to be futile, some still leaks at the side of her lips and drop into the floor

Venelena opens her mouth and showed her mouth full of his cum then swallowed it




"Ahh, that was delicious"

Venelana complimented her husband and smiled at him, she raises her index finger to wipe the leaking cum on the side of her lips then put it in her mouth


Venelana stood up, put her fingers at Arthur's chest then pushed him to the bed and mount him she put her two palms at her husband chest, Venelana seductively look down at Arthur and proactively challenge him

"I hope you can still go on, I don't have my fill yet"

Arthur raises his upper and hug Venelana

"We haven't started yet"

Arthur smirks at her

He let loose her dress to free her two melons



They bounce because of their elasticity, he held them both and simultaneously bite her two pink nipples


Venelana moaned then hold Arthurs head

"Yes, that's it"


She pleadingly said to him between her moaning

Arthur uses his tongue against her two nipples to stimulate her more


Venelana felt her panties is getting dump from her dripping cum

"Dear, I can't take it anymore"

She looks at her husband with eyes that radiate lust

"Give it to me"

She said directly at him

Arthur smiled at her, he held his dick and slide her panties to the side, he positioned the head at her entrance then gave it a strong thrust


Venelana loudly moaned from the sudden thrust and also because of his huge dick




Arthur kept thrusting his hips, her inside just felt so good, even though she already gave birth two times, her pussy is still too tight

"You're so tight and your inside felt so good"

Arthur said to her

"Dear, your dick is so big"

"It's stretching my inside"

"It felt so good"




Arthur felt that his going to cum again, Venelana also felt that her husband dick is getting bigger

"Venelana, I'm going to cum"



"It's okay, It's my safe day today you can cum inside, let me feel you fill me up"

Arthur can't hold it anymore and cum inside her



Venelana loudly moaned feeling his semen flowing inside her, she has a satisfied smiled at her face

Arthur weakly fell back to the bed followed by Venelana resting on his chest

"That felt good, dear"

"Me too"

Says Arthur then kissed her forehead

The bedroom door suddenly opens and Anne came in

"You already started without me?"

She asked looking at the two

"Why don't you join us then and start round two, Sister"

Venelana seductively smiled at her sister, Anne smiled back at her then starts walking to the bed slowly undressing her clothes off

The night is still young for the three, they didn't sleep before sunrise and keep fucking each other