"They finally come huh"

Arthur said feeling the two new holy presences that just entered the town, he felt the other three the other day but didn't do anything about it

It was not his problems anyway




"Let's close the shop"

He clapped and said to his three employees


The trio replied




The next day

Student Council Room

Everyone Sona's peerage is looking at their King sitting behind the desk, she is working with the same documents over and over again looking lost

If you look closely Tsubaki is also the same but at least their vice- president is talking

"Kiba-kun is the one that I like, Kiba-kun is the one that I like, Kiba-kun is…"

Yep, she's talking alright

They are like this since yesterday, they don't know what happened to the two

"Emm, President is everything alright?"

Saji asked his President, he is part of Sona's peerage as one of her pawn

He didn't get a reply from his president


"hm?, Yes Saji?"

Sona finally gets out of her stupor

"I'm asking if everything is alright, everyone's worried you know"

"Don't worry Saji, I'm okay"

"It doesn't look that way to us, you and Vice-President are been acting weird since yesterday"

The one that answer this timed is Momo Hanakai a third year student of Kuoh and also part of

Sona's peerage as her Bishop

"Yeah that's right"

"You two doesn't look okay"

"What happened?"

Everyone is asking some questions and worried about their king and queen

"I'm just thinking about something, I'm sorry for making you all worry"

Sona said and reassure her peerage members that she was fine

Seeing her like this they didn't press the matter anymore and trust there king


Sona mentally sighs, she also knew that she was acting little weird since yesterday, it's all because of the person that she met at the coffee shop, the blue hair and blue eyes young man

The moment she came back at school, Sone tried to gather some information's about him she was shock when she learned that he is already married

She felt a little heartache but immediately get over it, she just met Arthur so it's impossible that she is in love

'Maybe a little admiration'

She thought

Sona never met a man that as handsome as Arthur before,

'Better keep myself together'

Sona hardened herself and compose her mind, it's not time to think about that stuff, there still so many student councisl work for her to do

Sona can't have herself being distracted by a handsome man, she has still her dreams to fulfill


She suddenly saw the familiar of her childhood friend and rival, Rias, it dropped a letter to her table

Sona picks it up and open it then her eyebrow frowned

Its look like the three of the seven excaliburs is stolen by Kokabiel, one of the leaders of the fallen angels then brought them here at Kuoh, two exorcists from the church are dispatched to hunt down the scattered fragments of Excaliburs

They first met Rias and her peerage asking them to not meddle with the church affairs but because of the comment of one of the exorcist about Asia a Holy Maiden turning into a devil that get them into a duel between Rias pawn and knight versus the two exorcist

"What a headache"

Sona said rubbing her forehead





Gremory Mansion, Dining Table

'How can I meet him again?'

Thought the silver hair woman mindlessly cleaning the table

Grafia has been cleaning the table for an hour now, she's cleaning the same spot over and over again while lost in thought

The other maids are also strangely looking at her

They don't know what happened to their head maid