Before Michael arrive


It was Serafall,

The moment she arrive she immediately hug Sona


Sona can't help but complain to her big sister

Arthur looks carefully at Serafall, she is a beautiful girl looking in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and blue eyes, she also has a child like body, she is currently in her formal suit because she's here for business, and normally she dresses in magical girl's clothing with magic wands and all

"You must be Arthur"

Someone talks to him from behind, Arthur turn around, he was greeted by smiling Sirzechs

"Nice to meet you, Sir Sirechs"

Arthur greets him, Sirzechs is a handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's, he has shoulder length crimson red hair and blue green eyes

"No need for formalities, just call me Sirzechs"

Sirzechs said to Arthur

"Okay then, Sirzechs"

Sirzechs nodded then turn to Serafall

"Come on Serafall we still have an important business to attend"


"You can continue your complaint later"


Serafall dejectedly said

Arthur smiles then walk beside of Vali, He knew that the treaty is about to start

After that Michael arrive

Then Rias come in inside the room

The leaders of the three factions take their respected sit at the round table

"Everyone is here"

Sirzechs is the first to speak

"This is my sister Rias and her peerage, they are the one that fought Kokabiel during his surprise attack of Kuoh Academy, but"

He stops then looks at Arthur

"But Arthur is the one that defeated Kokabiel"

Arthur nodded

"That is a rather impressive feat, I thank each one of you for your hard work"

Michael said to them

"Once again I apologize, I seem one of my boys cause you a bit of trouble"

Azazel apologized again to everyone

"Now that all the participants are represented let's start this summit commits"

Sirzechs said to start the meeting




"The rest of the detail of the incident of Kokabiel between my peerages can be found in my official report"

Rias is currently reporting about the incident

"As a witness, I Sona Sitri confirmed the validity of the report given by Rias Gremory"

Sona also confirms the report of Rias

"That well be all, thank you very much"

Sirzechs said to appreciate their efforts

"Great job ladies, you also made me so proud Sona"

Sorafall cheerfully said to them, Sona blush from complement of her sister

"Perhaps the Governor General of the fallen angel likes to share his opinion about the report"

Sirzechs said to Azazel

"Kokabiel went rogue, therefore my thoughts of the incident is irrelevant"

Azazel replied

"So he acted entirely on his own"

Asked by Michael

"Well he never had my permission if that is what you're asking but something tells me that damn fool would have tried to destroyed the whole town if he knew I was staying here, I grown fond of this place"

Azazel replied back

"Try and stay on the topic if you please" Sirzechs said

"I sent the White Dragon Emperor to resolve the Issue"

Azazel said pointing at Vali


Then point at Arthur

"It seems my friend Arthur here decided to resolve the issue by his self"

"Yes, now that you mention it, Arthur can you please state your reason for participating in the fight"

Sirzechs asks, the other leaders are also curios about his intention, if the report is correct he is also not part of any factions, Arthur is close to Azazel but his not one of them

"I knew that you already got the report on me so I make it short"

Arthur said then looks at them

"The only reason I decided to interfere because someone asked me to, and I don't intend to disclose that person identity"

He said to them

"Yes, we already got the report of your reason for participating, and don't worry we won't force you to tell us the identity of the one that ask you, we really appreciate your help"

Sirzechs smiles at Arthur, the others also nodded

"Then let's continue" he added

"I find most troubling about the attack itself is Kokabiel motivation, it seems that he is rather dissatisfied about the status quo"

Michael suddenly said

"Yeah, what he wants is perpetual combat, this late stage of the game I have no interest on war"

Azazel replies him

"The seed of discontent" Serafall said

"Hmm, that behavior isn't exclusive to my faction"

Azazel smirks at her

"Hmp" Serafall pouts in response

"Again I suggest staying focus on the matter on hand after all that's why we gathered here"

Sirzechs again said to them

"Spare me wont you, let's just make peace and be done with it"

Azazel said then looks at them

"That's the purpose of these meeting isn't it? Of course it is"