Another One

Inside Arthur's bedroom, there are three people who are doing an immoral act





Grafia and Venelana is on Arthur's tight swallowing and licking his dick





Grafia is currently deep throating Arthur, she swallows his dick then uses her tongue to lick its head

'I never once did this to Sirzechs'

Grafia thought

Venelana is also using her tongue to lick her husband's dick

They are doing this for at least 30 minutes,

"Arg, I'm getting close"

Arthur said to the two, he can't stop his self from Cumming any longer, the two of them has been sucking him really hard from the start

"Dear, let it all out"

Venelana said

"Yes, Arthur don't hold back, let me taste the cum of my new man"

Grafia said to her new man


Arthur blows his load at Grafia's mouth




Grafia tries to swallow Arthur's cum but Venelana suddenly kisses her


Venelana put her tongue inside Grafia's mouth to get some of her husband's cum




"Delicious as always"

Venelana said

She always drinks Arthur's cum every time the two of them sex, she just loves it taste

"Let starts the main event shall we?"

Venelana said then look at blushing Grafia

Arthur also smiles at her

"You can't back down now"

Arthur said to Grafia

"I won't, I already decided to become yours the moment I step on this room"

Grafia resolutely said to him

Arthur kisses her delicious looking lips then pushes her on the bed


He cups her two breast then play with them


Arthur brought his face close to one of her pink nipple then bites it


Arthur looks at her eyes again then ask

"Are you ready?"

Grafia nodded for confirmation


She then feel Arthur's dick slowly entering at her pussy, her husband's dick is slowly spreading her inside

"I's so big and felt good"

She said

"I'm going to move now"





"Ahh, It so hot and hard"

"Soo deep inside me, Ahh"


Grafia keeps moaning ever time Arthur dick's thrust inside of her pussy

Venelana on the other hand is kissing Arthur





Arthur's keep thrusting deep inside Grafia until he feels something

"Ahh, my womb"

Grafia moans

"You're poking the entrance to my womb"

"I never felt this good before"

"I'm going crazy"

After another thirty minutes of hard fucking Grafia felt that she is going to cum

"I'm Cumming, Cumming"

"Me too"

Arthur said

"Inside, do it inside of me"

Grafia said to Arthur then wrap her legs around his waist


"Ahhhh, I felt it, your semen flowing inside me"

Grafia pleasingly said

"Were still getting started"

Venelana said to the two

"Now it's my turn"