Arthur, Issei and Tannin arrive at Gremory Mansion

"Welcome back"

The three of them are greeted by Grafia in her maid uniform

"Were back"

Arthur said

The two of them always act as acquaintance when there are in public's eye, but when there is no one nearby they always act like a new married couple, especially Grafia, the act of having an affair while her husband is nearby excites her

"I'm going to look how the other is doing"

Issei said to Arthur

"Take care then"

Arthur replied

Issei then walk off to find the others

"I'll be also going, Arthur"

Tannin also said to Arthur

"Bye, thanks for hard work"

"You too"

Then Tannin flies off

The two of them also become friends while training Issei, sometimes Arthur and Tannin spar to each other

Arthur then looks at Grafia with sly smiles

"I'm all sweaty because of the training, can you guide me to the bathroom, Grafia"

Arthur said to her

"Please this way, Arthur-sama"

Grafia said to him with a blushing face

Grafia led the way to the bathroom, Arthur follows her from the back

The two of them are currently walking at big corridors when Arthur suddenly grabs Grafia ass from the back then squish it


Grafia moans

"Husband not here, somebody will see us"

Grafia warns him

She also called him husband when they are alone together or when they are with his other woman

"Hehe, I know that this is not the way to the bathroom instead you lead me to more seclude place"

Arthur said to her

"You already expect that this is going to happen"

He teasingly said to Grafia

Grafia blushes hearing Arthur revealed her little schemes

Arthur pin her against the wall then kiss her lips, he then grab her right breast over her maid uniform


Grafia grabs her husband head then kiss back, she uses her tongue to wrestle his, and sometimes

she bites Arthur's lips

Arthur slides his right hand under her maid uniform then


Arthur felt his fingers directly touching her wet pussy

"You're not wearing underwear"

Grafia blushes for being found out

"You naughty maid"

Teasingly said by Arthur

He then put his two fingers inside her wet pussy then rubs her inside

" Ahhh"

Grefia moans again feeling the pleasure that Arthur giving her

"I need you punish you for that"

Arthur said

"M-master, p-punis-sh this naughty maid"

Grafia said to Arthur between her moaning

Arthur smiles at her then teleport at his room, the two of them didn't come out after three hours