Castle somewhere in the Dark Forest

Throne room

A man is currently sitting at the beautiful throne that made out of white gold, in front of him is a white Rat

"How's your investigation?"

The man asks the White Rat

"I gathered all the necessary information, your Excellency"

The Rat said kneeling in one knee

"Just tell me what you gather"

The man patiently said

"Yes, base on what I gather, that human appeared at the outskirts of the Dark Forest more than a month ago"

The White Rat said

"That human is also male, Akumu the nightmare Dragon also encounter him when his about to enter the Dark Forest, she also witness him turning into a blue scale dragon, the same dragon that wasted the northern part of the Dark Forest"

The White Rat continued


The man said

"After that, the human stays at the dark forest for a month, many witnesses said that his training some kind of technique, he also used that technique to some monsters and beasts, then at his last day, the monsters and beasts didn't know what happened to the human but after a month of staying that human suddenly turn crazy he transform into a blue scale dragon then starts to randomly attack everyone, destroying everything on its path"

The White Rat said

"Did you get his identity?"

"Yes, base on the description of the witnesses, they said that that this person has blue hair and blue eyes, having that kind of hair and eyes is very unique in Aquarius Continent and there is only one family that have that kind of description, the Royal Family of Baybay Country but "


"That person is proclaimed dead over a month ago"


The man frowns hearing that

If that human is proclaimed dead over a month ago then who's this person that wrecks havoc at their Dark Forest?

"So who's this person that supposed to be dead?"

The man asks the Rat

"Your Excellency, his name is…."



"Arthur, my son"

Shouted the person that came out the carriage then came running at Arthur's direction

This person is a beautiful woman in her early forties, she is wearing a gorgeous dress that usually wore by the high class royalties

'Hot damn'

Arthur said in his head looking at the running woman with tears on her eyes

Arthur said that not because how hot this woman is but because

'She is look like me if I'm a woman, if I'm a very hot mature woman'

Arthur thought

This woman has a blue hair that reaching down to her waist, she also has blue eyes, Arthur can't just believe how the two of them strikingly similar to each other

'She can also rival Tsunade on bust size'

Arthut amazingly thought

The Blue hair woman arrives in front of Arthur then suddenly hugs him

'What is happening?'

Arthur thought

He just can't get what is happening right now and why this woman is calling him as her son


Arthur suddenly thinks of something


Arthur calls his System

'Yes, Host?'

'Did you know about this, me being this woman son?'

Arthur asks the System

'Technically, yes but also not'

The system said

'What do you mean?'

'When host former body got destroyed, my creator, the space god supposed to create a new body for you but the space god found a person that is look like you so he decided to just put your soul in this person's body, he said that this will save him some time, so technically this woman is your mother by blood because you reside in her son former body'

The system said

Arthur doesn't know what to say

'What a lazy god'

Arthur thought

'Hey system, isn't the normal procedure that if a soul transmigrated to a new body, that soul and the former's body soul memories will merge together?'

Arthur said to the system

'Yes, Host'

'Then why is that never happen to me?'

'Because the former soul of host body already passed away for more than 24 hours, the former soul's body just become an empty shell that the host soul possessed'

The system said

'So basically, there is an expiration date huh?'

Arthur asks

'Yes, Host'

'That's new'

Arthur thought

"Son, Sob, Sob, My son, I know that you're still alive"

Arthur came back to his senses hearing the blue hair woman cries and felt her tears at this chest

'What to do'