After decomposing the second wave of cannonballs, Arthur teleport in front Boa Hancock then casually talked to her

"Because I'm beautiful"

Hancock said


Arthur doesn't know what to say

Watching her say her catchphrase on Anime and hearing it first hand was totally different experience

"Yes, yes, you're very beautiful"

Arthur sarcastically said

"If you get it then get out of my face, male monkey"

Hancock arrogantly said to Arthur while doing her signature pose with her back bent backward then pointed her finger at him

Arthur face twitch

This was the first time someone calls him a male monkey, a woman at that

Hancock then form a heart shape with her two hands

"Mero Mero Mellow"

Hancock said

This is Hancock signature technique, she forms a heart with her hands and fires a heart shaped beam form them

Anyone with impure thoughts, mostly lust towards Hancock, hit by this beam will be turned into a stone statue

Any affected person's body can be destroyed, due to the fact that it is stone

Arthur jump back then flicks his fingers at the heart shape beam




It got destroyed

Arthur knew the effect of those beams so he can't risk being hit by it


Hancock got shock

This man just casually destroyed her attacks

"How did you destroyed my attack you disgusting man"

Hancock then breathes in deeply and kisses out a heart

She then pulls the heart back with her left hand then


The pick heart pop like a bubble

"Slave Arrows"

Hundreds of arrows are fired and barrage Arthur

Arthur starts to use his observation haki then maneuver his whole body to avoid the pink arrows




Arthur simultaneously fired his Silver gun at some arrows while he avoid the others

After Arthur avoid the last arrow he then suddenly ducks down


A long slender leg suddenly passed his head


'What a beautiful leg' Arthur thought

Arthur stops admiring Hancock beautiful leg because the other pair is coming right at his face

Arthur jump on his left side

"Beat that man, Snake Empress"

"Go, Go Empress"

"Show that man who is the boss"

The other Kuja pirates already stop on their tracks and just become a spectator of Arthur and there

Empress fight

"Perfume Femur"

Hancock continue to attacks Arthur with haki on her leg

Hancock does a handstand and spins around in order to deliver a series of kicks

Arthur continued to dodge her series of attack, he knew that Hancock kicks are very deadly

Anything she strikes, whether animate or inanimate, instantly turns into stone and in turn, breaks from the sheer force of her kicks, unlike her other attacks, only the immediate area around the point of contact turns to stone, not the entire object

'How do I stop her from attacking?'

Arthur thought

An idea suddenly comes into Arthur's mind

Arthur stops dodging Hancock's and start to parry them

Arthur coated his leg with haki then starts to trade blows with Hancock

'What, he can use haki'

Hancock was surprise again





Every impact of their legs released a black lightning that always showed if two King clashed to each other

'He is also a King'

Hancock shockingly thought

'But why I never heard of him'

She added on her head

If someone possessed a Conqueror Haki that person will surely become famous around the world, Hancock was confuse why this man was unknown