Arthur and the others arrived at Hancock's Palace


Arthur suddenly felt someone jumping on top of the mountain

'Isn't that'

Arthur thought while looking at the person

'Oh right, he was sent here by Bartholomew Kuma'

"Husband, please wait here for a moment, I'm just going to take a quick bath"

Hancock blushingly said then walks to the bathhouse

'I need to always keep myself clean for husband'

Hancock thought

Sandersonia and Marigold just keep quit

But they can't still get over the fact that there big Sister who is known as a man hater got herself a husband that she just met today

'Just what did this man do to our sister?'

Sandersona thought

She and Marigold then follow their big sister in the bath


Arthur answer her then walk at the balcony of the palace

"Halo, come here"

Kunuo on the other hand was playing with the baby penguin that already woke up for a while now

The two of them got really close to each other on their way here

"Myuh! Myuh!"'

Halo cutely walks on Kunuo while making a cute sound


'What is this creature?'

'She's just so cute'

The Kuja women thought

Bath house

Hancock slowly undone her dress, then walk at the water

'Need to keep clean'

She happily thought

Sandersonia and Marigold just standing outside the bath house door in case of emergency



'What's that?"

Hancock thought looking at the direction of the sound

"Blugh, Blugh, Blugh, I-I'm g-getting d-drown"

The person that fall said, it was a man

"Ahh I'm going to die"

The Man added


The Man said then stands up

"I can stand, SAFE"

He said while stretching his two arms sideways

"Huh? Where I'm I? A bath?"

The man said while looking around, but because of the dense fog he can't see much

"A man"

Hancock shockingly said then stares at the man

The two of them stares at each other for a moment then Hancock suddenly realizes that she was naked


Hancock crouches down inside the water


Hancock angrily said to the man

'Another man saw me naked beside my husband'

Hancock shockingly thought

Hancock then thought an even scarier thought

'Did I just cheat on my Husband?'

Hancock has her eyes wide open then angrily looks at the man with killing intent

'This woman is strong'

The man thought, he can feel the power that this woman was giving

'And dangerous'

He added on his head

"You must die for your sin"

Hancock angrily said

"Because of you! Because of you!"

Hancock's voice was rising every second she talks


The Bath House door force opened by Sandersonia and Marigold


Marigold shouted

"Big Sister, what on earth is going on?"

Sandersonia asks about the situation

The two of them then come inside

"A man?"

"What is he doing on this island?"

The two of them ask

Hancock stands up then walk beside her two sisters, Marigold then put some dress on Hancock's naked body

"That man saw me naked"


Sandersonia and Marigold shockingly said