The whole battlefield turns silent after witnessing the change of Whitebeard, all of his injury are gone, now he looks much younger and livelier


Whitebeard laughs feeling the power inside him, he casually punch his side to demonstrate it





Sengoku curse looking at Whitebeard and the damage that he caused

'That is more powerful than his previous attacks'

Sengoku thought

One of the reasons the Marines decided to wage a war against the Whitebeard Pirates is because of Whitebeard injuries

Sengoku know that Whitebeard is not on his prime anymore and not as powerful as his younger years

"What did that brat do?"

Garp frown looking at Arthur who is giving him a V sign

"Is he really did get healed"

Aokiji said

"This is going to be troublesome"

Kizaru finish his sentence

"Damn brat"

Akainu also curse looking at Arthur


"What happened to you?"

The Whitebeard Pirates shouted at Whitebeard and asks his condition

"Don't worry about me, I don't know what this brat did to me but all I can say is that I feel like I'm young again"

Whitebeard reassure them then turn at the Marines

Ace already escapes his handcuff and he is now trying to escape from his encirclement together with Luffy

"Let's continue the operation, escort Ace and his brother to safety"

Whitebeard shouted at them




The Whitebeard Pirates shouted then resume their attacks


Arthur is just standing beside Whitebeard and silently looks at Akainu beside his giant sword

Akainu is also looking at him

Arthur suddenly smiles at Akainu then




Akainu didn't even finish his sentence, he suddenly got blown away and crash at the execution platform


Arthur is now standing at Akainu's previous location

'Marking things is really useful'

Arthur thought

When Arthur created the giant swords, Arthur put a mark on them in case he needed it, seeing Akainu standing beside one of his giant sword, Arthur teleported at it and punch Akainu in the face


"Hmmm, you're a very troublesome one"

Kizaru appears again in front of Arthur with his right foot pointing at Arthur



Kizaru then shoots a beam at Arthur's face

"And you're rude, that's not a proper way to greet someone"

Arthur didn't flinch at Kizaru's attack, he then brought out his Excalibur and receive the beam


Arthur then redirects the beam at Akainu who's trying to get up from being blown

Akainu eyesight suddenly covers with yellow light



"I'm not the one that did that"

Kizaru lazily said looking at the situation of Akainu then look at Arthur

"That's a nice sword"

Kizaru complement the Excalibur, he can tell that this sword is not ordinary

"Thank you"

Arthur said

"But you're not the only one that can use a sword"

Kizaru brought his palm together at his chest then forms a long, sharp sword out of light and solidifies it

"Ama no Murakumo" (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven)

Kizaru said then attack Arthur

Arthur just smiles at him, he also use his Excalibur to meet Kizarus sword






"That rookie"

"He can go toe to toe against Admiral Kizaru"

The Marines just can't believe what they currently witnessing, a rookie who just debuted not a week ago can fight an Admiral class like Kizaru

The Pirates also amaze at Arthur's ability

'Husband, you so handosme'

Hancock thought looking at Arthur fighting Kizaru while kicking some Pirates and Marines




"You're very powerful"

Kizaru said looking at Arthur while the two of them are in dead lock

"You're not bad yourself"

Arthur smiles at him


Kizaru suddenly saw a giant magma dog coming their way, Arthur also notice it

"Inugami Guren" (Dog Biting Crimson Lotus)

"Hey hey hey"

Kirazu lazily said then jump backward to evade the attack leaving Arthur behind

Arthur didn't mind Kizaru leaving him behind

'They teammate anyway"

Arthur thought

Arthur then raises the Excalibur