"Done already?"

Arthur asks Diablo after he saw him stop punching him

The reason Arthur just let Diablo punch him because he want to test out how durable his new physique is, but it seems that he need to find someone more stronger than Diablo because he doesn't even feel a thing from Diablo's rain of punches

'Saitamai's physique is really a cheat'

Arthur thought

"It seems that it is useless for keeping you around"

Arthur lightly said to Diablo

"What did you say?"

Diablo angrily asks, he felt insulted by being look down by a mere human

"You have a big mouth for a human"

Diablo coldly said to Arthur

"Die, Human"

Diablo suddenly disappear and appear in front of Arthur

"bye bye"

Arthur said then punch Diablo

Diablo suddenly saw his whole life flash in his eyes





Congratulation for killing a level 70 Adamantium warrior

You did the impossible feat and kill the pick power of this world

Level up +10

Because the level cap on this world is at level 70, the other level will be put on hold



Do you want to advance your rank?

Yes or No


The System notify Arthur

"System, what happen if I suddenly advance pass level 70"

Arthur curiosity asks

"The host will immediately ascend to the higher realm"

The System said

"Nope then"

Arthur immediately said

"Okay Host"

The System confirm

"Show me my current Status bar"

Arthur said to the system

"Okay Host"


Arthur D. Castel

Level: Adamantium Warrior lvl 70 (on hold +3) [ExP: 7942/7000]

Title: The Chosen One

STR: 1715

AGI: 1400

END: 1050

WISD: 760


LUCK: 110

S.P: 128,201 points

Saitama's Physique

+1000 STR

+900 AGI

+800 END

+500 WIS

(Note: I forget to add the stat of Saitama's physique on my previous chapter)

"Let's get outta here"

Arthur said after looking at the place

Arthur then teleports at Cold Lady's place

"Are you okay?"

Cold Lady worriedly asks, she can hear the battle even if she's this far away so the fight must be really intense

"Yeah' let's go"

Arthur said"





Unknown place


A robust man suddenly stops moving for a moment

"Hoh, it seems that my clone got destroyed"

The man can't help but smile when he found out the news


He said as he review his newly found information in his head



Back to Arthur

Arthur teleports at his bedroom alone

He already escorted Cold Lady on her home on his way here, the two of them part ways at one of the capital of Libra continent

Arthur finally learned her name after they separated


The two of them hope that they will be able to meet again, someday

"Husband, where did you go?"

Anne curiosity asks Arthur after she felt his presence arriving inside the room, she is currently laying on the bed together with her other sisters

"Just a little stroll outside"

Arthur said to her

"Well then, why don't you also stroll here?"

Venelana seductively invite her husband at the bed while massaging her breast

"Me to, Husband"

Yasaka also did the same




One by one his wives call him at the bed


Arthur sheepishly laughs

"Who I'm I to decline"

Arthur said then jumps at them