'How can this be?' 'Is he even Human?' , all types of exclamations can be heard in the crowd.
But the person in black is unaffected by the stares and went down from the stage after judges gave him direct pass and let him pass to the next round.
The elder in charge changed the Tacky ball while quietly scolding the contestant in his heart , 'Do you how much does this ball costs? Why can't you hold back a little bit of your power? This time it is our school's turn to host the competition , we have to buy the ball with 100 crystal stones each.Sigh , I hope we don't find another Monster like this.'
In the room.
This time even Illuka had a surprised look on her face , she didn't expect to meet a person with almost same level as her.
She is just interested in knowing who that person is and nothing more than that.
She will not become friends with someone just because she wants to use them. That's beneath her standards.
She saw him go down the stage and went away from there.
The 3 persons group also making all the plans to make him join their college.
But most of the plans are being webbed by yun and Old man when other just leisurely sat there and didn't express anything.
Everyone kept talking about the person in black even if he went down the stage.
Host also came back to his senses and announced the next person to come onto the stage.
He called until No.61
This time 3 kids with level 7 Martial talent and decent attack power were also found and have directly passed to the next round with some good scores from the judges.
Soon Illuka's number is coming so she went out of the room and stood near the stage to ho when she is called.
When Illuka came wearing a White shirt and Blue Jean's accompanied by that looks of her , the whole stadium is filled with shrieks and everyone is wondering who this person is?.
'Who is he?' ' Is he one of the young Master's?'
'Why didn't we see him?' ' where did he come from?' 'Which place did he sat at?'
Haru and Kai looked at each with a slight smile on their faces and then looked at Illuka with curiosity in their eyes , they want to know what level she is at.
All types of questions are filled in the audience minds but , Illuka didn't speak anything and went on to the stage with her expressionless face.
She went near powerster Ball and put her palm on it .
The ball gave out a number 15 indicating that she is at Martial level 15.
The whole area once again filled with silence.
'What?' 'Another person with Martial level 15' 'Is the world going crazy?' ' Where are these people popping out from?' Everyone didn't know whether to cry or laugh , Laugh that they found some new Geniuses with such power or why didn't god gift them like this.
They stoned their hearts and anticipated for the result of Illukas Artck power , ' We can't believe she also has a good attack power , god can't be this unfair to us.'
But god is indeed very Unfair , when Illuka completed testing her level she didn't wait and went ahead and attacked The Tacky Ball , this time the ball didn't only crack but the shards flew out all around the arena.
The elder in charge is frightened for a moment and shock is evident on his face.
After two seconds he came back to his senses and looked at the ground at the glass shards near his feet.
His whole face became beet red in anger.
But he don't know where to put it , it's not their fault that the ball shattered, whi said them to be powerful?
'Where are these people coming from?' He thought this in his mind and reluctantly told the boy behind him to clean the glass on the floor and went near a truck to take out another ball.
The 3 person group on the Room also had bewildered expressions on their faces.
'This is ...' old man started the sentence but don't know how to complete it , its first time since they are conducting the competition to witness the ball shattering not one time but two times in row.
All of them kept silence and didn't speak any further since they know they are going to fight a lot for this kids.
They just wrote down their names with a big star in their hearts.
Haru and Kai also had shocked expressions on their faces.
They gave out a sigh, 'Thank God we didn't offend him before.'
The person in black who is quietly standing at a corner also narrowed his eyes.