Chapter Three

Two hours later, because it took Leon a lot longer to get ready, we were finally on our way to god knows where. Leon and I were in the back of a black town car and the driver wouldn't so much as look at us. I was screaming on the inside, wishing he could see the struggle in my eyes. When I caught my reflection on the window though there was no struggle. There wasn't much of anything actually. I looked bored, monotone, robotic.

When the car stopped Leon turned to me. "Now behave in there. You're out with me and you gotta act like you like me. I know," he brushed a stray hair behind my ear and I wish I could slap his hand away "that deep in that brain of yours," he tapped my temple quite hard "that you're resisting. So stop."

I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the car. It was hard to walk straight in 6 inch heels and a joke of a dress. It was black and covered only down to my mid-thigh. It was backless except for some straps that crisscrossed all the way down where the dress began just inches above my ass. I felt uncomfortable as the breeze blew at my back and my insides churned. Leon had his arm around my shoulders now and my own arms wrapped around him, one hand over his abdomen. I was smiling, completely delighted and I wanted to die.

The bouncer looked us over once and then pounded on the metal door. It creaked open and we were let into the club. It was titled The Vault in huge, lighted letters with busted bulbs all over. It was dark inside and couches were pushed into every corner where they were cast in shadows. They were all occupied and the people standing were all leaning against tall tables, drinking their fancy cocktails. Velvet covered everything and I couldn't quite spot a single window but there were gothic curtains draping the walls where the couches were. Low lighting shot across the ceiling, barely there as a coat if fog danced around the bulbs. As Leon lead me through the club I noticed that the fog covered the floor as well. On the stage a few people were setting for what I could only imagine would be a live band. Soft laughter, gentle giggles, and whispering is all i could hear and all I could think is what and odd club this was. Every woman wore something similar to what, if not a little more revealing. The men dressed much like Leon too with mostly leather, velvet, or lace.

"Stop gawking." Leon hissed into my ear and I felt as my face dropped even more monotone.

We approached one of the couches in the far corner of the club, just parallel to the bar and across the stage. If you liked this sort of thing if would be the most desirable spot. Despite the seatings being pretty big they were all filles with couples except for the one we were heading to. Only a man and woman lay there in comparison to the rest that had at least 6 couples.

"Fredrick," Leon crooned with a smile.

"Leon! You bastard. Where have you been?" The one called Fredrick stood, tossing the woman aside like she was nothing but a ragdoll. She didn't complain though, she merely sat upright like some obedient pet. It made something snap inside me, but I could do nothing.

Leon had left me standing there to speak with Fredrick in hush tones. They didn't take long soon enough I was being forced to sit as Leon threw an arm around my shoulders. Fredrick grabbed the woman he was with by the back of her neck and forced her over his lap where he went back to what I had just noticed was two bite mark on her neck. I actually twitched, my fear just a little more powerful than the hold over me. Thankfully Leon hadn't noticed it.

"Happy awakening." He said delighted, his lips brushing just below my ear. "Tonight it'll all change." Again my body acted against my will. My arms were wrapping around Leon and my lips kissed his icy skin right on the corner of his mouth. My insides twisted and I wanted so badly to wrench myself away, but whatever he did it made it so that I was all over him.

Suddenly a silence swept the club. I straightened a bit to look at what everyone was waiting for. The stage was now filled with band members. Two guitarist, drums and bass. The dim spotlight was on the microphone, which was empty. Heavy footsteps thumped behind the stage, clinking with every step. A figure emerged and took its place at the mic. Heavy boots, metal hanging from them, black jeans not too snug, maroon shirt with the sleeves ripped off and onix beads wrapped around a muscular arm decorated with a full sleeve of tattoos of every color. The man was gorgeous. His shoulders were broad and looked rock hard. His face was a scowl, but behind it you could still make out a strong, defined jaw, and a scar across his left brow that looked dangerously close to his eye.

The music started playing. The band was mostly cast in shadows with their heads bowed and playing soft rock. The guy, visibly the vocalist, had his eyes closed. When his mouth opened it sounded harsh, deep and even a little pained. Everyone gawked, even me. When his eyes opened they shot out through the crowd. Everyone was swaying at the sound of his voice. Though I was latched to Leon I felt myself being pulled and lured by his voice. I might have even shifted in my seat.

His eyes landed on me just as his lips moved and sang without missing a beat. Those eyes, a strange shade of lilac, were so focused on me it made me just a tad uncomfortable. It's like he was trying to understand something, like he was digging deep and asking questions. Something in me jerked, or maybe I jerked. Leon tightened his grip around my midsection and lowered his head to talk in my ear.

"Stop fidgeting, damn it."

"I-i have to use the restroom." Surely he still understood that I was human. I really didn't have to go, but I'd do anything to get away.

Leon sighed in frustration. "Fine. Do whatever you have to do and come straight back here. No detours, doll."

I realized the way he called me doll he thought of me as a play thing. I mean I knew it, but now it was terribly clear and scared it the hell out of me. My body moved quicker than I would have wanted and straining to slow down was giving me a massive headache. Panic started settling as the fact that I was trapped flooded my mind.

In the bathroom the windows covered windowless walls, the stall doors were black marble with white cracks all over. The flooring was black tiles and spotless.

I remembered Leon said I could do whatever I had to do. Well, I had to check up on my makeup and then adjust my hair, not to mention actually go to the bathroom. I kept telling myself those things to trick myself into buying more time. The strain still gave me a bit of a headache, but it was bearable now. That is, until I no longer cared for the pain because now a sharp, cold blade was pressed against my jugular. I was frozen in place trying not to sob.

"Who's your sire?"

His voice was a lot rougher now. It was harsh, cold and deadly. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and my words caught in my throat. My eyes met his and when a tear rolled down my cheek he furrowed his brows in confusion. He twisted me around and studied me, the knife still at my neck. The vocalist that just minutes ago had been up on the stage entrancing everyone, now loosened his grip and lowered his knife.

"You're human. Damn."

I fell to my knees and tried hard to keep my composure. Too many times tonight I've broken into a cry or a scream. Reality set in, this was happening and I couldn't change it. So I looked up at the vocalist and pleaded with my eyes, hoping he would see something in them and decided to help me instead. When he watched me for a while I saw something in him jerk, struggling with whatever his thoughts were.

"Damn." He cursed again. "He's controlling you. Isn't he?"

I couldn't answer, but he nodded his head in understanding.

"Go back out there. Finish your night." His hand wrapped under my arm and pulled me to my feet. Something over his arm glowed, a tattoo in the form of strange markings. Suddenly the hold over me came crashing down and I gasped, like his whole time I'd been holding my breath. I clung to his arm and steadied my legs and panted as I regained control of myself.

"Hey. It'll all be fine. Trust me. You need to get back out there and keep pretending."

He seemed genuinely worried about what happens to me. Then again he was very willing to cut my throat just minutes ago. He also knows what's going on, so if I follow instructions he might shed a little more light. So I nodded and headed out the bathroom.

I spotted Leon and reluctantly made my way back to him. The rest of the night went by excruciatingly slow and Leon had drank one too many drinks at which point most of his words were slurred. I did my best not to make a face out of place whenever he caressed my cheek or squeezed my thigh. My eyes would sneak a look around the club every now and then, but the  vocalist with a thousand colorful tattoos was nowhere in sight. It bothered me.

I glanced back at my kidnapper to find him just inches from my face. I fought the urge to scream and he narrowed his eyes. He was suspicious of something and I kept the mindless face I sported all night. I don't know what it was, but now that I looked at him I could see right through his charming. It all slowly slipped away sometime during our encounter at the motel.

Leon ran a finger down my neck and between my cleavage and I stood impossibly still. When he was satisfied he went back to some poor girl's neck. I watched her face and had to rip my eyes away when she smiled at me. She was enjoying this and I couldn't even begin to understand why. Once both men had their fill, Leon and Fredrick said their goodbyes.