Welcome to the Oracle city

"Tim? They made you eat soup all through your Ordeal?" Jake asked not without surprise.

" Uh, something like that..." The teenager responded with an embarrassed laugh as he scratched his head, his unstable voice just beginning to break.

In any case, it was neither the right time nor the right place to talk. The cawing of the Digestors could still be heard and all kinds of people, animals and aliens were still fleeing in their direction, the agitation and panic making them all the more dangerous.

The sooner they left the Cyan Desert, the better they would feel. Once they were in a safe place — if such a place existed on this damn planet outside the Oracle cities — they would have plenty of time to tell each other about their adventures and make up for lost time.

"Let's get out of here, we'll talk later. " Jake cut the chat short before resuming his run at a pace everyone could keep up with.