Unexpected Encounter

Jake may have been curious, but he couldn't wait to find a place where he could settle down out of sight and finally check out his rewards. When he opened his backpack to retrieve a rope to descend the cliff, he caught a glimpse of two Blue Cubes of the size of a Rubik's cube inside that looked just like the ones the drones kept carrying around in a hurry.

To be quite honest, they had come across quite a few Cubes of all kinds of colors since their arrival on B842, but especially since their entry into the Oracle City. Just outside the Oracle Playground, they had seen other Cubes as big as the Red Cube in which they had made their Ordeal.

Notably, two huge Green and Blue Cubes respectively, as well as an even more massive Yellow Cube in the heart of the city. Even within the Oracle Playground, smaller Orange Cubes seemed to act as teleporters inside the building, and a large Yellow Cube about ten meters tall stood atop a skyscraper that they could see from their position.