How to Breakthrough

Breakthrough was in fact quite simple, provided you understand why such a limit existed in the first place.

Every body, whether organic or inorganic, had a certain Aether capacity that it could contain before reaching saturation. The body of an Evolver could be compared to a bottle with the cork removed and the Aether to the liquid inside.

At first, the body had not yet reached its limits, so the bottle was far from full. As the Aether's stats increased, the bottle filled with water until it was full to the brim, then overfilled. This was the famous Aether's 100-point limit that he was now experiencing.

There were only three ways to solve this issue.

The first one, not really a solution, but an obvious one was to increase the size of the bottle so that it could hold more water. The bigger and more massive an object or living being was, the more Aether its body would contain.