The Slug (part 1)

Despite the buzzing noise above him and the headache urging him to exterminate the mosquitoes as quickly as possible, Jake was forced to divert his attention from the two Digestors to greet the newcomer.

The tall magenta grass at the entrance to the woods was suddenly crushed by a huge, sticky, smelly mass so eerie that Jake couldn't tell which way the head was pointing.

The new creature was some sort of huge greenish shit-colored slug, about 20 feet long and probably weighing a couple of tons. Like any mollusc, the Digestor was crawling awfully slowly to the point of looking harmless, but a feeling of hostility and cruelty radiated from the monster.

Two Mosquito Digestors similar to those flying above it rested on the monster's back, their trunks completely embedded in the creature's flabby, slimy skin. The slug continued to crawl indiscriminately as the two mosquitoes on its back obediently siped the silvery blood of the mollusc.