Ordeal Rewards

Jake interrupted his experiment and looked up at the pink-haired noblewomen with a puzzled expression.

"If your Extrasensory Perception and Intelligence are high enough, it comes by itself. As natural as breathing. "Jake explained in a calm tone, without showing any sign of contempt or judgment.

It turned out that this information was new, not only to the two sisters, but to Sarah as well. Kyle knew about the Seventh Stat because he was with Jake when Lu Yan first told them about it.

In an early Ordeal oriented towards physical training and hand-to-hand combat, if a Player wasn't actively trying to increase his Intelligence or harvest Aether it wasn't so easy to improve those stats.

Despite Will's physical weakness, Jake suspected him of having a much higher Aether Intelligence stat than he let believe. After all, he was the only one whose Ordeal wasn't fully focused on fighting.