The -126th floor.

When Jake reappeared out of the portable Black Cube in the middle of Jay Parks' office, all of the group without exception, including the geneticist, scrutinized his appearance in search of change, to no avail.

Sarah, sitting cross-legged in one of the sofas with a glass of wine in her hand in a regal posture that exuded confidence and complacency, had already begun to undergo some changes.

Her already blond hair had gained a golden hue at its roots, while her skin had subtly gained a light tan, as if she had been sunbathing for several days. Her eyes were still brown for the time being, but they were now cashew-coloured.

Since the young woman had received her Myrmidian bloodline a few hours before he did, it gave Jake a good idea of what he could expect by the end of the evening. Because he now had a Myrtharian body, his Vitality had already doubled.