The Mysterious Death

Facing the multicolored feathered T-Rex from the day before, Jake felt no particular fear or curiosity. Indifferent to the roar of the starving dinosaur, Jake was sputtered on again and the giant biped flew off in the same direction as the day before.

The strident cry between that of a kitten and a canary also rang out again and as expected, the tyrannosaurus uttered a long cry of agony and resentment a few moments later when the predator chasing it caught up with it.

This time Jake was very careful not to look away. It was a predator capable of eliminating a T-Rex in less than a second and this would give him a better idea of the dangers he would have to overcome on this island.

Focused as ever and with his eyes squinted to better see the details, Jake watched for the lightning assault of the mysterious predator and he was not disappointed.