What Is This Feeling?

'I'm not dead yet?'

That was Jake's first thought when he regained consciousness. He was then engulfed by a searing pain sweeping through his entire being, cruelly bringing him back to reality.


It was the only half-stifled grunt that escaped from his tightly clenched teeth, half of which were broken. His body had almost melted, the bones of his skull visible in some places, had lost their whitish luster and had turned a charcoal gray color.

He looked awful, like out of a horror movie, but somehow he was still miraculously in one piece or so. He was missing both arms and his body was disfigured and charred, without skin or connective tissue. As for his bones, most of them had held up, but he still had quite a few fractures.

As he tried to lean on his missing arms to get up, he lost his balance and fell flat on his head. His forehead hit the steel floor with a resounding " gong " that rattled his brain.