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"Back so soon? " Kevin marveled as he saw Jake return so quickly. It had been less than five minutes since he'd left them and he was still in his Werebear form, so tall he almost touched the ceiling.

"The real question is why did you stop? " Jake countered curiously. "Aren't you afraid the monsters will catch up with us? "

"See for yourself. " His cousin beckoned him with a tilt of his head as he pointed to the wall behind him.

Jake's gaze followed the direction the Werebear was indicating and he understood instantly. The monsters were gone. No. They were still there. Reaching out, Jake heard them snoring behind the wall.

"What's going on? "

"We don't know. " Will shrugged wryly. "About a minute after you left, they quieted down, but that's not necessarily good news. "

To support his point, the businessman quietly pointed to the corridor walls surrounding them, including the ceiling tiles above Jake. A new scan revealed all he needed to know.

They were surrounded.