War Cry

"Hmmm? " Jake and Kyle's eyes widened sharply, their faces alarmed.

"What's wrong? " Will inquired as he saw their reaction.

"The Hunters aren't sleeping anymore. "

"Shit... what do we do now? "Kevin snarled as he rolled his candy bar wrapper into a ball and threw it on the floor.

Arryn, Siraye and the three soldiers showed anxious expressions, but they all waited like everyone else for his decision.

"We run. "Jake replied seriously as he summoned his machete. The others immediately followed suit, grabbing their own weapons.

"Seems like I may have to stick with being a Werebear for a while. "His cousin sighed.

All this time, Jake had never stopped monitoring his Aether and Fluid levels, making sure he was always in peak condition. Absorbing these two energies had become as natural as breathing, but since reading the diary he knew that the Corruption mentioned by Emiwan was the real deal.