New Rules (part 1)

At first glance, Jake understood that this Round would be nothing like the previous one. Yes, aside from a few minor alterations, the Village had not changed much, albeit much larger and with most of the residences unoccupied.

The layout of the buildings was more or less the same, with the addition of the castle. The Mountain and its Mine was still there, as well as the Lake and the Forest. Even the hill and its Manor had not budged, although the hill was now higher and more than one Villa sat atop it.

What had actually changed was that the Village no longer ended at its former border. Whether it was the Lake or the Forest of the past Round, these extended much further, demarcating many similar Villages that stretched to the horizon.

From his position, Jake warped the air with his telekinesis to form a huge lens that would double as a telescope and decided to take a thorough look at the surroundings.