Air Crash

Clap, clap, clap.

"Jake, you didn't think we'd forget you, huh? "Avros' figure appeared on the soaked wooden dock in the harbor.

Jake frowned. He couldn't tell how they had gotten out of the Drakkar in time. The most convenient way was for them to be so fast that he didn't see a thing, but that was unlikely or they wouldn't have fled during the First Round.

"An illusion? " Jake deduced. 'But made by whom?'

He looked around for the person responsible, but even deploying his Spirit Body his search was fruitless.

"Don't bother. You won't find him. "The Australian taunted him, his eyes filled with contempt.

Jake ignored the two Players and carried on with his search. Stealthily, he used Aether Conversion to convert the pure Aether in his Aether Core to Extrasensory Perception and activated Myrtharian Sight to scan the area. He also tested observing the surroundings through the filter of his Fluid Core.