Revelation (part 1)

With a nod, Hade, or rather Sigmar, dismissed the two Inquisitors at his side. Ilfora complied without batting an eyelid, but the second one only moved after a while as if he wanted to say something, but the youth kept ignoring him. Not getting the attention he sought, he bowed and left the castle as well.

When the doors of the great gate creaked shut, Sigmar abandoned his aloofness and turned to Carmin with a wistful frown.

"Can we trust her?" He asked as he rhythmically tapped the armrest of his black crystal throne with his finger.

As he asked this question, the black of his irises extended to the whites of his eyes. After a few seconds, his eyes returned to normal and a mischievous glint ran across his face.

"I guess so. Jake I'll let you decide." He said with an amused look.

The man in question frowned in turn, not exactly thrilled with this privilege. It was as if he didn't even have a choice until Sigmar gave him permission.

"She can stay." Jake replied stiffly.