Willing To Do Anything To Win

Jake, who was dodging dozens of projectiles at a time, suddenly experienced a sense of danger like he had never felt in his entire life. A cold shiver ran down his spine and his hair stood on end.

Before he received his Soul Class, his Intelligence, and therefore his reaction time, were already 273 times that of a normal human. His Agility also exceeded 500 points and as such he was blessed with incredible reflexes as well as a dexterity and precision in his every move that was hard to imagine for the average person.

Despite these seemingly exceptional numbers, if Jake had been sniped like that by Ruby with his old stats, the outcome would have been far less favorable. His chances of survival would have relied primarily on his luck and his freakish regeneration abilities.

Unfortunately for Ruby, she met him too late. With his new Rune Engraver class, Jake's reaction time was now 2184 times that of a normal human. That supercharged ball of negative energy moving at 10,000 m/s?