Unexpected Resistance

"We can't stay here." Norton refocused the group's attention. "The other refugees are bound to be somewhere. Jake, you're in charge of finding them."

"Roger that." Jake nodded before shooting off into the sky, kicking up a massive gust of wind behind him.

The grizzled mutant was somewhat embarrassed as he gave this order. He had planned for Elduin to be their scout, but that was before he witnessed Jake's incredible mobility. His eyesight was even more breathtaking, allowing him to make out the smallest details over very long distances in the absence of obstacles.

On top of that, all of the group except Trash and Jeanie had excellent combat skills and versatility, greatly reducing the appeal of their formation. Jake and Ruby in particular could fill any role, but the young woman's impish obedience made it impossible to trust her. The group's cautious attitude toward her reinforced this impression.