Try Me

"Is this fight really necessary?" Jake scolded hideously as he saw the Alpha Were-eagle descend majestically towards him, beak up, and wings unfurled to better display his contempt.

Deep inside Jake only had one desire: to fly to the rescue of his comrades. Since they had been kicked out of the formation, he hadn't received any news from them.

He wasn't too worried about Carmin and her sister, but Trash had been hit pretty hard. He didn't dare assume the worst, but the kid was probably dead. If his wounds hadn't killed him, the fall would have taken his life.

Scanning the ground, Jake confirmed that Carmin and the others were still alive, but they were in bad shape. The Avians were the least of their worries after landing, but they also had to deal with an army of 60,000 Undeads, a Lich with unknown abilities, and fake reinforcements whose intentions were unclear.