First Clash With Lost Divinity

Somewhere within the towering fortress that Jake, Wyatt and Grimwald had just sighted, their foes were peering back at them.

In a huge spherical room as large as five soccer fields, a huge circular stone table with exactly the same aspect, color, and texture as the floor, wall, and ceiling stood in its center, taking up more than half of the available space. It was as if the table had been carved right into the ground, from the same boulder that was used to erect this fortress.

Around this gigantic table, dozens of thrones of different sizes were distributed equidistantly from each other. The material from which they had been modelled was exactly the same as that of the table and the rest of the fortress. Even more amazing, the base of these thrones were one with the floor, no signs of glue or demarcation lines indicating that these thrones had been placed here after their creation.

Obviously, these thrones too were carved from the same boulder as the table and the whole fortress.