Do You Eat Feathers?

The group members braced themselves and drew their weapons all at once. Jake also summoned his God Slayer Broadsword. His armor was always equipped except for his helmet, but this time he put that on too. It clipped against the collar of his breastplate, sealing any gaps.

Seeing the ground cave in below their leader, Azeus and the others threw him both shocked and envious looks.

"Is that the armor you beat Shamash with?" The warrior inquired movingly.

"No... I forged it only recently." Jake replied glumly. Under other circumstances, he should have felt happy about such a backhanded compliment, but his recent humiliating defeat at the hands of the Nullifyer had quashed any pride he might have felt in his blacksmithing accomplishments.

What was the point of having a suit of armor that would fail him at the worst possible time? It was clear that his skills as an Aetherist and blacksmith were still worthless.