Hopeless Situation

On the other side of Celestial City, nearby the battlefield occupied by Mirror Vanguard and Neri, an unseen building was biding its time.

The Lost Divinities Players who were patiently waiting inside the Pantheon of Gods for Ael to shout the signal to attack could not hear or see what was going on outside, but they could follow the video feed of what their leader was experiencing. As they witnessed the sudden mutiny of Mirror Vanguard, including Vexa getting his heart speared by Radur, they were suddenly caught off guard.

"What's going on out there?" Ashun stammered in disbelief.

Dhamde, Deimos and Khag' Dagmai frowned as they saw the broadcast. Felphi, who stood mutely with her arms crossed beside them, snickered in disdain, then explained,