Stuck In Front Of The Gate

The New Earth Players stiffened as they received his thinly veiled threat. Not to mention that it rubbed salt in the wound by reminding them that one of their comrades was the slave of a dangerous human with no obligations to the Earth Union.

"We'll try to keep that in mind." Wang Xiaoming replied in a rude voice, his face frosting over.

Melissa had already rescued Ruby from the boisterous Ryo and she was now in good hands.

" Be good." Jake gave her one last look, then nodded to Craig and Ryo and headed with his companions toward the Divine Academy.

The energy dome that once protected it had long since been shut down by the school's principal. There was no impenetrable force field to stop their march, and they only had to imitate the path taken by the Demiurge Players to find the entrance. Anyway, it wasn't as if they could go wrong.