The Three Hidden Lieutenant Colonels

Time hurtled forward, and soon it was the turn of the feared Rank 16 Lieutenant Colonels to emerge. When the lower-ranked Players received the notification, their expressions darkened, and a knot of dread formed in their guts.

At first, the notification heralding the entrance of the higher-ranked Players was predictable, but as the ranks of the involved Players climbed higher and higher, those who appeared later began to harbor the hope they might be the top contenders of this battle.

The ones who faced the sting of disappointment the most were undoubtedly the Rank 15 Majors who'd arrived 36 hours prior. Much like the Rank 14 Captains before them, they'd clung to the fleeting hope that they held the highest rank among the participating Players, a position that would've bestowed upon them a significant advantage. Yet, their hopes had been brutally dashed.