Rest In Peace

When the tense silence between them seemed destined to linger, his fat black cat decided it was the perfect time to prance pretentiously in front of them, chin held high like an emperor parading before his subjects. As soon as Amy recognized the furry feline, all the tension on her pretty face evaporated instantly, giving way to an excited shriek.

"Eeeeeek! Crunch?! You're still alive!" Amy scooped him off the floor before he could protest, forcibly cuddling him against her soft chest.

Well, that should have been the case, but the breastplate she was wearing made the experience far less pleasant for the cat, who already sported a look of dissent, his fur bristling with discontent.

"Tch! Of course, I'm alive!" The cat hissed, forcefully pushing away the Earthling's cheek with his short paws. "You thought a being as unique as me would croak so easily? Now, it's Sir Crunch to you."