The Weight of a Star

"I guess that explains everything..." Jake heaved a deep sigh, teetering on the edge of exasperation but with a hint of pity for the two spirits who'd wasted their time guiding this simpleton.

Then he reconsidered. No! Those other two spirits are probably just as problematic.

It was one thing for the Sun Spirit to be an immature, carefree child, but the other two Spirits should've been able to supervise him from time to time over such a long period. That meant Moon and Twyluxia most likely had an equally shaky perception of time...

No surprise coming from such massive Spirits.

A fly perceives time four times faster than a human; elephants perceive time more slowly than we do, and the same logic applies to whales. Sure, there are exceptions—like turtles perceiving time more slowly or dolphins processing information faster—but with similar brain capacities, it generally holds true.