You Really Scared Me

'Then, the second option it is,' the Moon Spirit yawned nonchalantly. 'Though I'm no daughter of any moon. I am the moon itself.'

'Yeah, sure. Amaris it is,' Jake confirmed, mentally ticking off one more thing from his to-do list.

Calling her "Moon" made him cringe every time—not to mention, how would he tell them apart if he met others? Unlikely, but after everything he'd been through these past years, nothing seemed impossible anymore.

The two World Spirits then left him alone to settle into their new temporary digs. Ray spontaneously shifted back into a glowing plasma orb and floated up to the top of the dome to indulge in one of his signature unproductive naps. Amaris, on the other hand, simply remained motionless in her golem form—the dome made any orbiting impossible.