
Ohmigod!! What Jeremy was doing felt so good; how could that be so wrong? Jeremy was slowly and steadily fucking me...over and over and over again. And it was an incredible nothing I'd felt in years. Not since my wild and heady days of partying with my sister Robin. OH GOD...there he goes again with those moves. This is really going to be a lose-my-fucking-mind kind of orgasm. I'm shaking all over, my belly is just quivering, and Jeremy is so deep inside of me and moving so slowly that I can feel the tip of his massive cock nestling gently against my cervix. Like I said this is going to be an incredible fuck!!

Why am I doing this? Why did I finally give in? Why am I betraying my husband Mark? OH FUCK!! That move he has feels so good!! The naked warm skin of his penis feels so incredible sliding against the wet slippery walls of my vagina. My mind is saying don't do it; it's not right. But...GOD DAMN...his penis feels so incredible sliding in and out of me. OH GOD, I'm cumming; and I can feel Jeremy's penis jump inside of me. He's going to cum too. I'm going to get pregnant. I know that as sure as I know that I've betrayed Mark. And this is what Robin has wanted all along. I know that now. Damn her!!!

Years ago when Robin and I were first seniors in high school and later in college together we shared everything. We jogged together; and we both played field hockey and fast pitch softball together. We talked together all the time about school, and life, and especially about men. And most importantly we partied together...partied hard. Our mom, a simple woman, who loved to country dance and socialize with her friends, had two beautiful daughters whose libidos and hyperactive personalities often got them into trouble. Unlike our mom we were wild women.

I was Robin's wingwoman and she was mine. Countless times we'd be dancing at a club or cutting loose at a college party. We'd drink a lot and many a time would end up in the bedroom or the back seat of a car or on the lawn in a nearby park, fucking like wild women. But we always did it in pairs. We covered each other from guy troubles. If some drunken fool who was handsome as all get out and studly to boot tried to take advantage or got a little too rough with one of us, I could always count on Robin to smack the shit out of whoever was hassling or hurting me; and I protected her the same way. In this way we could get as wild as we wanted to but still be safe. We were sisters watching out for each other.

My sister Robin is blond, 5'6", busty as all get out with fine, big round breasts that just invite guys to squeeze them and kiss them and play with them. She is in great physical shape with an hourglass figure and a rounded booty that invites the guys' interest also. She has blue eyes, a cute face similar to Kim Basinger's, and a husky voice that just turns guys on.

She graduated from Rowan University with a business management degree and immediately went into sales. She has several European pharmacy companies for whom she promotes their line of product through doctors but more importantly through conferences and trade shows where her flirtatious personality and bedroom manners have made many a good sale. It's not like she sleeps with guys to make a sale; she does so because she has a very active libido and likes to party hard. She likes sex and the sales she makes from guys she sleeps with have been a side benefit. Her clients love her success rate and no one has complained.

She never married and never wants to; she's having too much fun with her friends and lovers scattered all over the country.

I'm a 5'8" redhead with green eyes, cute round cheeks, an upturned nose, and a cute smile; my face looks look like Amy Adams. My figure is athletic like Robin's except that my breasts are not as large as hers albeit still more than a handful and more firm than hers; my boobs still stand right out and I don't require a bra. My figure is hourglass-shaped like Robin's with a little rounder booty than my sister and red not blond hair down there between my legs. We both keep our hair trimmed close; it makes us look shaved but without the itch of stubble. I like showing off all my junk down there without a mass of hair covering it all up; it makes for easy access.

I too graduated with a business degree and I too pursued a sales career; and I too have been very successful. In my case I took my active sports life and used that to get into health spa/exercise equipment sales. I too have used my good looks and my flirty personality to make a good living. And yes I have bedded several customers, and, yes, this has netted me some great sales as well as a lot of laughs and fun.

In our college days Robin and I had been very wild and there were several parties where either Robin or I or sometimes both of us spent a portion of the party stark naked, not knowing where our clothes were, and sometimes engaging in sex in public. We both loved the thrill back then. In our jobs this continued. Robin and I would party like crazy, usually find two guys, take them back to our hotel suite and fuck their brains out. With a little protection sex was great; and life was great. Much of this kind of grab-life-with-both-hands behavior carried on into our work. We tag teamed customers with our intelligence, our looks, our wit, our flirting, and sometimes our bodies. This life was what I wanted into my mid-twenties. Then I found myself wanting more.

As I turned 26 I wanted a change. I was successful in my business and was having a great deal of fun in my personal life, but I wanted something different. I wanted an intimate personal relationship with a man who would be my spouse, my friend, and the father to my children. I could have kept on with multiple men but I wanted stability for the children I wanted. I wanted someone who would be there for me and support me and my children. I had seen several older saleswomen who looked lonely and tired as they got older, and I knew that having a solid family of my own would feel right for me for the future. Robin...she wanted things to stay the same. She saw no reason to tie herself down to a single man and had an extensive network of women friends upon whom she could rely. And she definitely never wanted children. She saw other saleswomen who were their own persons and who used men to satisfy their carnal needs but didn't need them emotionally. They all had their own extensive networks of women friends also.

It was around this time that I met Mark. We dated for a few months and then got married. Initially while we were dating I still kept sleeping with other men; I still needed the variety. But quickly I settled down when I realized that Mark could have done the same but hadn't once he met me. Now, six years into our marriage we had two children, ages four and two, and a great marriage. Mark and I still went out clubbing, and I dance and flirt with other men. Mark knows that that is a part of me and encourages me, even to the point of suggesting I go clubbing in risqué outfits with no underwear on. He knows it's good for my ego and my sexy nature, and he knows I'm always coming back to him; he's my one and only. At the clubs I'll even flirt suggestively with attractive men on the dance floor, even allow them to touch me all over, but I always come back to my Mark. He finds it exciting to see me enticing other men as long as I come back to him. It spiced up our love life. It wasn't like the wild days of my younger years with Robin but it was good. We even invited Robin to join us frequently so she would feel included. Mark was attentive and caring, and he was a good lover to me and a good friend to my sister. My life had a little excitement but it also had the joy of both his love and the love of my children.

For the first couple of years Robin seemed to be cool with this. She would visit us frequently and go out partying with us. Mark did have to get used to Robin walking around our house nude and entertaining guys in our guest bedroom rather loudly. But this had the bonus for me of making him very horny and having him roughly fuck my brains out, which I really liked as a change of pace. Given the noise coming from my sister's bedroom we felt comfortable letting loose and verbalizing the sex we would have. We actually found it arousing to listen to Robin and her lovers having sex while we were doing it too. So things were good.

Mark would make suggestive comments about Robin's body and would also horseplay with her. He would get into towel fights or wrestling matches when one or both of them was undressed; sometimes he even got a big erection in front of her when they would wrestle. This drew suggestive comments from Robin; I thought she liked the attention Mark was paying to her, and his playfulness was innocent. He was just trying to fit into the dynamic of sexual closeness that my sister and I had shared for years. It seemed to be working, at least at home.

On the road, however, Robin was still trying to get me so drunk that I would cheat on Mark, but I always controlled myself. Sometimes it was awkward when Robin would bring a guy back to our room and have sex with him only few feet from my bed. I have to admit watching some muscular, well-hung guy pump my sister into orgasmic craziness caused me to masturbate quite a few times to alleviate the sexual tension. But most often, since we usually rented suites I would retreat from the bedroom, text Mark to make that emotional connection with him, and, if all else failed, go for a midnight swim in the hotel pool. I never told Mark this, but there were times when I was so aroused that I would swim in the nude or just topless; I just needed to do something sexy and burn all the pent-up energy also. But except for a couple of times when some men joined me in swimming in the buff I was usually alone. The cold water and the vigorous laps would usually tire me out and calm me down. And even when the guys joined me for a naked swim nothing risqué happened. Even taking it this far, however, frightened me; I didn't want to ruin the great thing I had with Mark. He was my anchor and my rock. He was trying to include Robin in our lives and I wanted him in my life forever.

In the third year of our marriage when I became pregnant with our son I think Robin realized I wasn't going to be her wingwoman anymore. Her behavior changed in two ways: she tried to get Mark to cheat on me with her and she now tried harder to trick me into engaging in sex with a stranger.

As I said when she visited, Robin almost always walked around our house nude and so did Mark and I occasionally. Several times Robin popped into the shower while he was in there and tried to engage him in something sexual. She would grab his penis or try to push herself against him trying to get something sexual started. This was not the playful horseplay; this was sex Robin was after. Mark let me know each time. On two occasions she slipped into the shower and grabbed his penis and began stroking it. On one occasion she waited until he was rinsing his hair and slipped in and pressed her butt against his penis sticking out while he rinsed. And on the final occasion Robin waited until Mark had shampoo in his eyes, stole into the shower, knelt down and engulfed his penis between her lips. When he realized that it was Robin he shoved her away and told her to get the hell out of the bathroom. After that Mark had to take a shower with the bathroom door locked.

After that didn't work Robin took every opportunity when she was alone with Mark to threaten him that she would have me knocked up by a man with a big cock, not that puny thing hanging between his legs. In fact she said she'd get me so riled up she'd have me begging for a man to fuck me silly with that big cock. These nasty, mean statements and threats Mark never told me about; he didn't want to upset me too much during my pregnancy.

The last straw was when Robin caught Mark sleeping after one of his racquetball matches. She tied him to the bed, cut his clothes off and started to suck on his penis hoping to get an erection going so she could mount him and show me that he had betrayed me. I came home and caught my sister, butt naked, yelling at Mark that he wasn't a man and couldn't get it up. She was so enraged at his failure to get it up and stick his penis up her pussy that she was slapping his exposed penis and testicles. This is the scene I came in on. I knocked my sister to the floor and demanded to know what the fuck she was doing.

"What the hell are you doing to my husband, Robin? I need you to get the hell out of my house. What the fuck is wrong with you? We've had a good thing. Mark's never done anything to hurt you. And I've been there to protect you and be your partner on the road. So why are you doing this?!"

Robin shouted, "It's not the same Sherry. Before, I could share the stories, the good times, the partying, fucking two guys or the same guy in the same bedroom, and doing just about everything together. Now you're not there. I'm alone. And he's taken you away from me," she pointed at my husband still tied down on the bed naked. "And with that damn baby in your belly you will just drift further away from me." I had never seen my sister act so crazy. But I couldn't have her trying to torture my husband. I wanted her to share in the joy of mine and Mark's lives with each other and our future children, but I couldn't endanger Mark. I could no longer trust Robin to be my wingwoman.

We parted ways and for the next four years we were civil in our communications but it was no longer special and fun.

Fast forward to this year. Unknown to me Robin had continued to text Mark that she would eventually have me begging for a big cock to fuck me. She would find a way to make me cheat on him and would be sure to send me pictures of all the sordid details. Because my pregnancies were tough and because of the stress of raising new babies, taking care of my husband, and continuing as a sales representative on my own without my sister Mark never shared her texts with me. When Robin and I began finally communicating with each other her texts, emails and phone calls were all pleasant and friendly. I mistakenly thought everything was OK. It wasn't great like it had been in the past, and we weren't working together, but at least Robin was civil to me.

Not knowing about her schemes and needing to get back in the marketplace to make some serious cash that we needed for our family I raised the idea with Robin of starting our partnership back up. Or should I say Robin had strongly suggested it, and frankly Mark and I needed the extra money. Mark knew that a big part of me wanted to believe that everything could be as it had been with Robin so he never stopped any of my plans, and he never let me know how badly Robin wanted to spoil our relationship. I guess he trusted that I would be strong enough.

So after my daughter's second birthday Robin and I teamed up together again. We hit a big trade show in Las Vegas at which we had made big money in the past. The show was five days long, a long time to be away from Mark and my kids, but he and I needed the money to support our family and our future plans.

For the first three days everything was great. During the days we moved around the crowds selling our respective stuff to the largely male customers; it was great to be back in the swing of things with Robin. And each night we went out for dinner and dancing like we had before to entertain potential customers or just have fun. We'd share dinner with our dates, have a few glasses of wine, and then head out to some nightspot that Robin usually was the one to select. Loud music, the crush of moving bodies, liberal amounts of sweet tasting alcoholic drinks that went to my head, and provocative touches from my dates or someone else on the dance floor all raised my libido. But I persevered and frustrated Robin, my date and sometimes myself when we got to the end of our evening out. I would tell my dates thanks for the good time but I'll be sleeping alone tonight. Robin would still bring her date into her bed and would still be only feet from my bed when she had sex with these men. This time I had ear plugs and turned over to face away from them and got good nights of sleep each night.

Each morning she, her bed partner and I would get ready for the new day. By the third day I got used to walking around in the nude with these guys; there wasn't much privacy in our suite and Robin insisted on showering with her lovers. I didn't think anything of it, except for the stray comment about my looks or my figure. I would just laugh and try to be pleasant and dress as quickly as I could. Each morning Robin seemed to be cool with the fact that I had shut down the expectations of my date. And so it went the next day and the next day. Still we had great times during the day and fun times at night. Those earplugs that Mark had given me helped me to get to sleep while Robin was sexing it up with her male friends each night. I got restful sleep once I turned my back to what she and her friends were engaged in. And I felt I was covering for my sister by letting her know I was still nearby in case she needed to be defended or protected.

Each of the previous days I had called Mark to let him know how things had been going with Robin. I told him she was trying to tempt me but I had been persevering well. I hadn't however told him about the lovers that Robin had been entertaining each night only a few feet from my own bed; I didn't want him to worry about Robin and her antics. But then this was no different than before. She was still my sister and in my mind we were again best buddies. I felt that Robin wouldn't let anything happen to me. She could take care of her needs as long as her guys didn't involve me.

The fourth day of the conference started out much like the other days. But that evening Robin told me we were going to get together with some of the other women at the conference and visit a strip club with male dancers that was rumored to be quite the place. It was rumored that the dancers were all very handsome and well-hung, were great dancers and entertainers, and would get very up close and personal upon request. I for one was looking forward to not having to fend off men who wanted to feel me up and to just spending a fun night out with the girls. I called Mark before we left and informed him what we were planning that evening as I had every evening. He wasn't concerned as I and my female friends had gone to strip clubs before; he knew it was just for the fun. That's all it would be for me.

The club turned out to be a total turn-on as several of the female customers got invited on to the stage where they were enticed with both whipped cream and the sheer incredible size of the male dancer's cocks to suck on them. The dancers all ended up nude and once they were nude they would circulate among the women. They would grind against the women in the audience, drape their cocks over those same women's shoulders and in their faces, and would entice them to suck on their incredibly long and thick penises. A lot of the ladies at our table did take a taste of one or more of the dancers, and one of the women, Alice, a married mom, actually disappeared with one of the dancers into a separate room draped with thick red velvet curtains. Robin yelled into my ear over the noise that in that room the customers could get the full treatment, and then she winked. I later discovered that the full treatment meant having intercourse or receiving cunnilingus from one or more of the dancers depending upon how much you tipped them.

I have to admit that the sheer fun of the moment as all of my tablemates engaged in wild actions and then finding out that Alice, a married woman, was actually being fucked by one of these hunks, got me all hot and bothered. It was at the wrong moment when I turned around and my face bumped into the biggest chocolate brown penis I had ever seen or encountered. Robin introduced the very handsome black man as Jeremy. Jeremy leaned over to talk to me. He was completely nude. His body was slender but very muscular. His hips and thighs were very tempting to touch as was the sizable penis that was growing out of his flat muscular groin. His pubic hair he had trimmed short not shaved on his belly, but his testicles and penis were silky smooth. This highlighted the size and shape of his cock and testicles.

The End.