Crying without tears

Just now, Luo Ji is not joking. Although the meal last night made him a lot of loyalty, there are still some people who have not reached the loyalty of 80, so for this newly recruited population However, Luo Ji can't be completely relieved. Naturally, he has to take precautions to avoid being extremely sad.

  After appeasing Luo Yong, this time, he could finally rest for a while, sit by the fire, simmer himself a bowl of hot water from the hot water pot, and then organize in his mind To do, while quickly opening his own property panel, I plan to check the 'drawing' project I triggered earlier.

  Fast development of cultural development. As the current cultural point, besides civilization points, Luo Ji has always been very depressed. Why is there only one "surname system" project in this column that allows him to produce and sell himself? , And nothing else more practical, and now finally there is an extra cartography.

  Cartography (level 0): The efficiency of drawing various drawings is increased by 10%. With the corresponding drawings, the success rate of making corresponding items, equipment, and props is increased by 10%.

  Looking at the bonus effect of this "drawing technique", Luo Ji suddenly felt bright. What is the specific use of this article to improve the efficiency of drawing various drawings? I don't know yet, but the success rate bonus is obviously very useful. !!

  Moreover, after careful consideration, Luo Ji also found it very reasonable. For example, what equipment he is going to make, it must be the design drawing first, and the structure of the entire instrument and the structure of important parts are clearly drawn on the drawing. Put your thoughts in order, and then make this device later, there is no doubt that the success rate will definitely increase.

  On the other hand, based on a rough idea in the head, I started to make it. I will encounter difficulties midway, and the success rate will definitely be much lower. In simple terms, it is the difference between planned and unplanned.

  At a glance at the remaining points of cultural development, there are 16 points, which is still quite abundant, decisively consuming 10 cultural points and 100 civilized points. We will first raise this cartographic item to the next level.

  After finishing the upgrade, Luo Ji was not busy drawing drawings, because he was going to create some equipment and props. He has n't figured it out yet, and he ca n't make too complicated things. After all, he did n't learn this Let 's go ahead and finish today 's business according to the original plan.

With the new fishing nets made by the women, Luo Ji walked on the frozen lake. While inspecting everyone's fishing work, he also planned to find a few more places to open new ice caves.

  I don't know if the 'fishery' project that has been promoted to the first level has played a role, or after the adaptation period yesterday, everyone is gradually getting started. It is obviously only morning in this circle, but basically every fisherman There was already a live fish caught in the tub around him, and even one of them had caught a third fish, so Luo Ji was really surprised, and after a closer look, he suddenly remembered Already.

  Isn't this the middle-aged man who has caught three fishes in such a short time? The first carp was caught by this man. According to experience, he is estimated to be the most experienced of all the fishers.

  "Speaking of which, I don't seem to have seen his property panel ..." Crouching beside this ice surface all day is also an individual effort, and the physical exertion from morning to night makes this man in these few Tian basically went to sleep in the tent after dinner, and he confirmed that the time of the property panel of the tribe members was mostly in the evening. It was a coincidence that the two times were wrong, so he had not confirmed it until now. Go through this person's panel properties.

  As Luo Ji thought, he opened the man's property panel at will, and then the next second, his heart couldn't control and twitched on the spot, "Fuck! What the hell am I doing?"

  I saw that at this moment, a string of pretty amazing data was so straightforwardly displayed in his eyes ...

  Name: None

  Sex: Male

  Age: 31

  Status: Calm

  Loyalty: 96

  Brave: ★★

  Intelligence: ★★ ☆☆

  Spirit: ★★★ ☆

  Endurance: ★★★ ☆

  Command: ★★ ☆☆

  Talent: Don't move like a mountain: The stable character makes it not easy to shake in any state, and His Majesty's morale will never fall below 60. When participating in defensive battles, as a defender, His Majesty Increases combat power by 20%, and at the same time the overall morale of the siege enemy has a 20% chance to drop by one level (this talent is directly affected by 'common rate').

Although Yongwu only has two stars, the four growth limits of intelligence, spirit, endurance, and command have reached the level of four stars! It is currently the highest overall growth limit of all his people! Coupled with the talent of 'not moving like a mountain', this is properly a city defender!

  However, at this time, Luo Ji had an impulse to find a wall and was killed. He did not dare to look down, even though he had already seen ...

  I saw on the skill bar below talent that at this time an unusually dazzling, but full of life skills icon, fishing ...

  A grand general-level character, because he was negligent for a while, he actually became a fisherman, and the special lady realized the 'fishing' skills, Luo Ji wanted to cry without tears, but at the same time, he was a bit worried. He hasn't figured out the skill mechanism for the time being. What if such a dying character who grows up cattle is abolished because of this life-like fishing skill?

Too late to think, Luo Ji directly put the fishing net into the hand of the person next to him, and then dragged his defending general to the shore, shit! Can't catch fish anymore, what if I realize a life skill again? This skill tree must not be crooked anymore!

  "Patriarch, is there something I did wrong?"

  The other side's calm and thick voice sounded behind him. From this sound alone, Luo Ji already felt the calmness that came out of his bones.

  Although this man was suddenly pulled away by Luo Ji, although this man was a little strange, he was not panic at all. This could make Luo Ji's heart even more annoyed. Why didn't he find out earlier?

  He decided that he would definitely look for a chance to look at all the people who fell behind again! In case any general has been overlooked by him, and finally mixed into a peasant fisherman or something, he must not vomit blood to death?

  Returning to God, feeling the other person's doubtful gaze, Luo Ji felt that he needed a reason, or a statement, thinking about it, and then he fell into a deep struggle ...

  It was himself who let the other party fish before, but now suddenly he told him that you are not the one who fished. You are suitable to be a city defender! It always feels wrong to say so.

  After tangling for a long time, Luo Ji, who was a little nervous in the end, suddenly shook his head hard. He wanted to understand, or realized it, "I am a grand patriarch, and I still need a reason to change the position of my tribe's people?"