Original I to be 1 SSR

He needs a lot of things, plus the ground is covered with snow. It is estimated that it will take a while to clean up. During this period, of course, Luo Ji did not plan to be idle. He remembered the news in Gaosu before. I was told to remember to take a look at your property panel and then develop according to your strengths.

  Just maintaining the posture of standing by the lake, Luo Ji tried to open the property panel. Sure enough, this thing was controlled by thoughts. Thinking about it in his mind, the property panel appeared in front of his eyes.

  When this property panel appeared, Luo Ji also deliberately glanced at the savage old man standing next to him. Obviously, the other party could not see this.

  After confirming this, the relieved Luo Ji began to focus on the property panel in front of him. He was obviously not interested in the information such as name, gender, and age. The focus was on all aspects of physical attributes. After that, the information he wanted to know quickly appeared in his eyes ...

  Yong Wu: ★★ ☆

  Intelligence: ★★★ ☆

  Spirit: ★★★ ☆

  Endurance: ★★ ☆

  Command: ★★ ☆☆☆ (recommended)

  Talent: Ruler

  Skills: None

  Tactics: None

  His Majesty's People: 34

  City-owned: None (no residence)

  The important thing, Luo Ji is habitually read twice, first glance at it, then carefully, and when they finally show that they have no place to stay, Luo Ji's expression on his face is first glance, then if any He glanced at the busy people behind him, his eyes flashed for a moment, it seemed that the state would not change until the settlement was set up.

  Without tangling this point, his attention is more focused on attributes and talents. This panel attribute uses star judgment, and it is also divided into two types: black five-pointed star and white five-pointed star. For Luo Luoji, it is not unfamiliar. Obviously, the black pentagram represents the strength of his current attributes, while the white pentagram represents the upper limit of the growth of this attribute. It is quite understandable. of.

  A glance swept away, and Luo Ji's attention quickly focused on the command. After all, the five stars of the upper limit of growth are too conspicuous! Don't think about it!

  I did not expect that he still had this hidden talent. After all, this talent, as a student in reality, seems to have no chance to show up. Is he so fond of playing strategy games, and is also affected by this talent? When he overdosing by accident, the whole person's breathing becomes unconsciously a little bit. If this growth talent is put in the game, he is an SSR! However, considering that the actual intensity of the current rule is only two stars, it should be the type of the late and late stages.

  Quickly took two deep breaths, forced the enthusiasm in the heart under pressure, and then meditated on the "wretched development without waves" two times, the whole person finally calmed down.

  At the same time, he gradually found a state. He also had a development path in his mind. "The upper limit of endurance and brave military growth is only three stars. Obviously, it is not expected. Although the growth rate is very high, it is estimated that it will grow completely. Spend a lot of time, that is to say, in the early stage, the two are mainly intellectual and spiritual, and in the later stage, the development path is dominated by transformation ... "

  With a general direction in mind, Luo Ji became more calm and calm after raising his hands, and then turned his attention to the last talent.

  "The ruler ..." With his own talented name in mind, Luo Ji could almost swear that his talent was directly related to his rule of five stars.

  Trying to reach out and click on the three words of the ruler, the relatively detailed description of the talents suddenly began ...

  Ruler: As an excellent ruler, your civilization is as solid as possible. The default loyalty of all the people is +10, the development speed of the civilization is increased by 20% (10% × 2), and the military power of the army is increased by 20% (10% × 2)! (This talent is directly affected by 'statistics')

  "It really is affected by the rule! The original bonus should be 10%, but now I have a rule of two stars, so I multiplied it by two, and there is something like loyalty ..." It 's not good, he ca n't make a judgment for a while, but as a player who often plays strategy games, Luo Ji knows the importance of loyalty and speed of development, let alone the military 's combat power plus achievements, so Overall, it looks pretty good.

  When he was thinking that way, the man he had called to find tree vines and stones had already returned, and glanced at what they found. Luo Ji patted the shoulder of the young barbarian, "Good job You worked hard. "

  "No hard work, no hard work!" The praised young man of the barbarian was a little flattered, with an excited expression on his face.

  Looking at the other person's happy appearance, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing, but he also knew that it was urgent to solve the food problem now. Now, in the snow and ice, people who went around and collected the camp materials could easily find some wild animals. It is naturally the best to hit some game, but Luo Ji really hopes for the fish in Mingjing Lake.

  With this in mind, he reached out and invited two young savages. The one he had praised before was obviously among them. He pointed to the small stone they moved back and motioned to the two to hold the stone. Follow him.

  It is obviously not reliable to hit the ice near the lake. He sees those who play ice fishing go to the center of the frozen lake. After all, the center of the lake is deeper, and there should be more fish in the deep water.

  "Just here." In consideration of safety, Luo Ji did not plan to take his two people to the center of the lake. After leaving the shore for more than ten meters, he found a place that looked similar and stopped.

  "You smashed a hole here with a stone ..." Luo Ji said as he gestured with his hand. "When one is smashed, the other is watching aside and be careful not to fall."

  He can be flattered by a few words of care, which makes Luo Ji's mood subtle and complicated, "This should be the effect of the default loyalty +10, it seems that the people of my tribe are loyal to me The degrees are high. "

  After ordering the task here, Luo Ji didn't plan to stay here, and smashing an ice cave was just the first step in fishing. In addition, he had to get some fishing tools out.

  Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to make a stone spear to sting fish, which is so unrealistic that the lake is so deep, so he wanted to use those slender tree vines to make something similar to a fishing net.

  I don't know if the five-star growth cap is at work. Luo Ji now gives orders and is handy, so that the three dexterous women recruited by the old man of the barbarian who has been behind him, he plans to edit the fishing nets. The work was left to them three.

  Luo Ji, of course, has never done anything like this before, but has n't eaten pork. Have n't you seen a pig run? Holding a branch as a pen and drawing on the snow, the entire structure is simple, mainly too complicated and too detailed fishing nets. They can't make it now. Without the technology and the conditions, they can only take pictures A simple gourd drawing scoop is used.

  After ordering to compile the fishing nets here, Luo Ji reached out and recruited a few young children from the tribe. Let them go over the dirt in the surrounding snow to see if they can dig some earthworms. Insects are used as bait, and when it is time to sprinkle some bait, it is better than just throwing a fishing net, and then silly waiting for any silly fish to come to your door.

  After basically instructing all the things to be done, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, sorted out the thoughts in his head, and then couldn't help sighing that there were not enough manpower. At first, thirty-four people looked at quite a lot, and it turned out that After the task was set up, it was a bit stretched.

  "This population development is also a big problem ..." While thinking about population development, Luo Ji found a clean place and sat down. After picking up a wooden stick, he found the stones they found. After picking for a while, finally turned out a relatively flat and long, sharp stone began to draw.

  The weapon of the stone spear, in simple terms, is to tie a polished stone to a wooden stick. The polishing process can take time. Luo Ji plans to make one or two stone spears to practice his hands first, and improve their tribe by the way. Armed forces.

  Originally, according to Luo Ji's idea, I wanted to use those tree and vines to bind and watch. After all, how does this era look like there is no rope, but the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and it ca n't be tied! Even the thinnest tree vine is as thick as his fingers, tied up, and loosened, the stone spear is crooked. Can you still expect this thing to fight?

  Fortunately, his intelligence of the current three stars is not water-filled. As soon as he turned his brain, he quickly thought of a way to find a thin animal skin for the old man of the barbarian. This animal skin is very tough. It took him a lot of effort to tear it into strips, and then tie it to the stone spear. After the binding was firm, a systematic prompt sounded in his mind ...

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player "Luo Ji" for successfully producing the "Rough Stone Spear", which has obtained five points for civilization and three points for military.

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player's "Luo Ji" civilization entered the "Stone Age", gets 500 points for civilization.

  However, at this moment, the continuous system prompt sound did not allow him to take his attention away from the stone spear, holding the stone spear he made himself, Luo Ji only felt his heart was 'banging' "Bang," I kept jumping, "I rely on, I just made a stone spear. What is this strong sense of accomplishment? Ah ah ah !!! What you made by yourself and two points on the mouse The things you make are really different !!! "

  The ecstasy on his face had reached the point where he couldn't hide it. He almost wanted to laugh like a fool, even if he had not been so happy when he confirmed that he had been accepted by the university.

  I can't help but wave it a few times, even if Yong Wu has only two stars, Luo Ji is wielding a stone spear at this moment.

  At the same time, there are always tribal people who are paying attention to what their patriarch is doing. At this moment, his eyes are full of reverence, so that Luo Ji's self-esteem is greatly satisfied.

  For a while, the whole person was also very enthusiastic. It was the so-called rebirth and rebirth. With the experience of this stone spear, within a short time, I made a stone axe. The surging sense of accomplishment, the five-point civilization point and the three-point military point prompted by the system are hardly worth mentioning!

  Just when he was preparing to maintain this drive, and to make more weapons to improve the combat effectiveness of his tribe's people, the young man of the barbarian who he had previously identified as a scout talent fled back with panic, " Clan, patriarch! No! We met people from other tribes outside, they want to grab the prey we hit, and now they are fighting! "