Camp Establishment

Luo Ji, who came back with prey and building materials, enjoyed the cheers of women and children in the tribe. At the same time, everyone felt a peace of mind, because Luo Yong's bitch on the ground meant that at least tonight you do n't Hungry.

  There are a lot of things for Luo Ji who is back to Mingjing Lake. For example, he has to go and see how the ice lake is going? Is the fishing net ready? How about the children's fishing lures? Weapons such as stone spears and stone axes are also made a little more, trying to get the soldiers in the tribe to have a hand.

  Of course, the most important thing is that after this battle was defeated, the soldiers in his tribe were basically injured and saw blood, and the wounds must be dealt with! In case of infection or inflammation, that would be terrible!

  Thinking of Luo Ji's heart here was suddenly tense, we must know that in this era, the medical level is not backward, but it may not be at all!

  It ca n't be calm. In the early stage of the development of this tribe, let alone the four strongest warriors. Even an ordinary tribe's people are important combat power plus productivity for him. Any one of them has a little loss Up.

  He quickly found the wounded soldiers, and then saw the old man of the barbarian preparing to rub the herbs he had chewed on a soldier's wound.

  After seeing this scene, Luo Ji was slightly relieved. Looking at this posture, they have at least the basic consciousness of dealing with wounds, and they also seem to have herbs and things. As for chewing herbs with their mouth, saliva has a disinfecting effect. Although it's a little disgusting, don't worry about it in very times, but the point is not here!

  "Stop and stop!" Luo Ji, who called five stops in a row, rushed to the old man, then asked with a serious face, "Have the wound been cleaned?"


  Hearing this, the old man and the wounded tribal warriors simultaneously showed a blank expression.

  Seeing this, Luo Ji suddenly made a gesture of covering his face. "Well, everyone listens. After the injury, you must clean the wound first, otherwise there will be the possibility of infection and inflammation!"

  "Patriarch, what do you mean by infection and inflammation?" As the only person in the entire tribe who knew some medical knowledge, the old man asked subconsciously.

  Regarding this, Luo Ji said earnestly, "You will understand this later."

  Are you kidding me? The infection and inflammation are of course caused by bacteria, but the problem is that the old man asked him what the bacteria would do in case of an accident. The ghost knows how to explain it! And this is simply a topic that is more and more explained. In the final analysis, the development of civilization is too backward.

  Fortunately, a hole has been broken in Mingjing Lake, and I immediately asked someone to get some clean water. After the wound was carefully cleaned several times with the lake water, this made the old man apply the herbs. The moment you finished all this, the system prompt sounded.

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully promoting medical development, gaining 100 points of civilization and dozens of points of medical treatment.

  Luo Ji is also a little accustomed to the system prompts that sound from time to time, but he is not complacent, because he knows that in the early stage of development, he had nothing in his tribe. With his basic common sense Just tossing around can always trigger something similar, but the point is that afterwards, how to really develop, this is the difficult place.

  "In short, just follow this method." There are quite a lot of injured people. Now in this section, you need to worry about this and that of Luo Ji. Obviously, there is not so much time for them to clean the wounds one by one. Next, The old things are left to the elderly.

  And he went to the other side to see the progress of the production of the fishing net. At a glance, a look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face, "Nice."

  Although the mouth of this fishing net is a little bit bigger, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he only wants to catch big fish, and the system prompt sounds as expected.

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for making a 'rude fishing net', gaining 30 points for civilization and 3 points for production.

  "In other words, from the previous time, in addition to the civilization points, I seem to have gotten a lot of other messy points?" I wanted to study it carefully, but now the time is too tight, a lot of things are waiting for him to do How are you free? As such, the issue of research points can only be temporarily postponed.

  I took the good fishing net and asked the children in the tribe to get the bait they dug out. A group of people followed Luo Ji to the ice cave, and there were still people who were doing it. The eyes also look here from time to time. Obviously, everyone cares what the patriarch is doing.

  "Which of you is the most patient? The one who can stay in one place for a long time without moving."

  Everyone who heard this, look at me, I look at you, the last middle-aged man raised his hand, "Patriarch, I think I can."

  "Then you try it first." There is nothing to look at and not to look at. Luo Ji's idea is very simple. Now that he says he can, let him try it. Anyway, he has already hunted a mule. I wo n't be hungry. Although I ca n't slack off in fishing, I 'm not in such a hurry.

  "Don't be nervous, this thing is not difficult, the important thing is patience." As Luo Ji said, it is indeed not difficult. The basic thing to do is to gather up the fishing net, sit alone next to the ice cave, and grab the end of the fishing net. Don't let the fishing net fall down, and then sprinkle a bait into the lake after a certain period of time. When you feel the movement and find that the fish has penetrated the fishing net, immediately lift the fishing net. The point is that there is a fish coming in Don't move around before.

  After ordering fishing, Luo Ji had to do the next thing. Before leaving, he also left a lot of people out there. On the one hand, he was able to chat and relieve boredom, which saved him from being too boring. On the other hand, he took safety into consideration. The problem, after all, this cave is quite dangerous. In the event of something, many people next to it will take care of it.

  By the time he walked back to the shore of Mingjing Lake, the women in the tribe had set up a humble tent with the building materials they brought back, saying that Bai was supporting a piece of animal skin with branches, and with the completion of the last tent, The system sounded unsurprisingly.

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully establishing the first tribal camp, gaining 100 points for civilization and 5 points for industry.

  The system prompts: Are you naming the newly created tribal camp?

  "Hmm!" Listening to the prompt, Luo Ji's "difficulty of naming problem" that had previously been suppressed suddenly reappeared. Compressing this stomachache symptom again, Luo Ji focused his attention on this. On the property panel of the Horde Camp ...

  Name: None

  Level: Small Tribe

  Population: 34 (your tribe is scarce)

  Livability: 1 (from Mingjing Lake)

  Fortifications: None (your tribe is vulnerable)

  Special effects: 20% bonus to 'Fishery' (from the Lake of Mirrors), 20% faster civilization (from 'talent' ruler)

  Looking at the property panel of the tribe's camp, Luo Ji's first reaction was that he did not choose to abandon this settlement before. Two special effects, except for the one he brought, were the fishing bonus and the tribe 's livability. Thanks to this natural spectacle, otherwise this snow and ice, no matter where you move, this livability must have fallen to a negative number.

  Luo Ji did not feel that he could be so lucky to find another natural wonder. According to his experience and speculation, the livability fell to a negative number, which is a red flag, which shows that his people are dissatisfied with it, and they live in plain words Unhappy, this is likely to lead to a decline in loyalty and even cause rebellion.

  "Determined!" Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately patted with both hands, "It's called 'Spiegel'. Although the Spiegel tribe is not very nice, but after developing for a while, it became quite pleasing to the city of Spiegel, It was such a pleasant decision. "