Project Development

Struggling lazily, Luo Ji turned his attention to his own property panel. His property panel has not actually changed much, but this day, as he discovered a natural wonder, he earned a thousand civilizations. Point, and then triggered a lot of development achievements, so there are quite a few points of civilization, glance at it, it is already 1,370!

  "By the way, I remember that I seemed to have learned a skill before, to encourage morale or something ..." Luo Ji muttered in his heart, while looking down, "Ah, there is."

  Inspire morale (active): After launching, increase overall morale by 10% (5% × 2) with simple words and actions! (This talent is directly affected by 'statistics')

  The introduction of this skill is simple and clear, but the problem is that it is not useful to improve morale. It is now dark, and it is obviously not convenient to test. Just leave it alone and start to confirm what you have obtained before. That pile of assorted points.

  Five item options are added directly to the top of the entire property panel, which are displayed as 'Military', 'Culture', 'Industrial', 'Production', and 'Medical'.

  Just click on the 'Military' to enter, the top directly shows that the military points he currently holds are eleven, and then below is a piece of something similar to a skill tree, and the top row shows two icons , Luo Ji opened the content one by one, I saw that the two icons are ...

  Weapon Polishing (Level 0): Polish weapon success rate increased by 10%, efficiency increased by 10%, weapon quality increased by 20%

  Conquest of the Barbarians (Rank 0): Increases the overall combat power of allies by 15% when fighting against the barbarians of the primitive civilization.

  Luo Ji tried to click on the weapon polishing icon, and the system prompt sounded.

  The system prompts: Do you spend 10 military points and 100 civilized points to upgrade the weapon polishing to the first level?

  After hearing this hint, Luo Ji can understand it instantly. "So, if civilization points are the currency of this game, then these military points and cultural points should be skill points! Want to improve the skills of different sectors, You have to develop different civilizations and get different skill points! "

  After thinking about the logic of the system mechanism, he refused to upgrade decisively first. His military points were only 11 points, and the upgrade required 10 points. That is to say, after upgrading the weapon and polishing this item, he may not be able to rise to another in a short time After a project, you need to think about it at this time.

  Judging from the panel alone, this weapon polishing should be used to strengthen the weapon. If there is a success rate, it means that there is also the possibility of failure. The polishing process obviously also takes time, but after the quality of the weapon is improved, it can obviously be used in Increased power to a certain extent, but also more durable.

  Looking at the skill of barbarians, the effect is quite direct. It is estimated that it will work on the spot after the upgrade. The improvement of combat power is more intuitive, but the disadvantage is that once the hostile force is no longer a barbarian tribe, then This skill is basically useless, and the skill points invested in it naturally cannot be recovered.

  Each has its own advantages, and each has its own way of development, but Luo Ji is now eager to improve his strength. At the same time, it is also important to increase the tribal population. Choosing weapons and polishing obviously slows his pace a bit. There are results.

  The system prompts: Does it cost ten military points and one hundred civilization points to raise the "conquest barbarians" to the first level?

  "Yes." A silent meditation in the heart, the skill icon of 'Conquering the Barbarians' suddenly lighted up, and the level has been displayed as the first level.

  After that, Luo Ji did not stay on this page any more, and soon switched to the 'Culture' page. If he remembered correctly, he would have gained a lot of cultural points.

  This is indeed the case. His current cultural points are full of 22 points. What embarrassing him is that there is only one development project in this column, and it seems that it is not very useful ...

  Surname system (level 0): Everyone with a formal name has a 3% chance to contribute a little cultural points every day.

  I rely on this skill is almost typical of self-produced and self-sold. Although the probability of 3% is very subtle, but after the tribal population increases, it should be able to achieve considerable results.

  The question is, what is the significance of spending cultural points to make his tribe's people produce and sell each day? Forget it, anyway, there are 22 cultural points anyway, do n't use it for nothing, and finally ordered the first-level "surname system", the remaining 12 points are left, and the second level requires 50 Cultural points, plus five hundred civilization points, may not be available in a short while.

  After that, the industrial projects and production projects were caught in the dilemma of insufficient points. The industrial points were only two points, while the production points were three points. However, it takes ten points to upgrade ...

  Inexplicably a little stomachache, of course, there are also some new discoveries, such as the 'fishery' icon over the production option, which shows that it already has a little production points, which can't help reminding Luo Ji of the previous system prompt. When a 'carp', the system seems to have hinted at the development progress of his fishery by +1. It seems that these items can be upgraded by fishing or discovering new fish species and the like.

  This can't help but let Luo Ji be relieved, at least there is more than one way to upgrade, and the last medical option, the point is exactly ten o'clock, and there are two medical items displayed at the same time, respectively ...

  Medical Hygiene (Rank 0): Wash wounds, reduce the chance of infection or inflammation by 10%

  Wound treatment (level 0): A simple dressing of the wound improves the wound healing speed by 10%

  Very good, very clear, the Luo series does not need to be tangled at all on this item, decisively chooses medical care. He is not afraid of the slow recovery. He is also afraid of the wound being infected or inflamed. After all, in this era, once this happens, it is very likely to kill someone!

  After confirming the various development projects, Luo Ji could not help but yawned, and a drowsy mood swept up. After all, he was tired all day, and after greeting the vigil, he walked in slowly. Got his tent.

  Without the fire outside, the inside of the tent was basically dark and could not see anything. Luo Ji, who was trapped to the extreme, fumbled over the thick animal skin spread on the ground, and fell down to sleep.

  Between half asleep and awake, a system reminder sounded in his mind ...

  System prompt: Congratulations to the player's "Luo Ji" civilization development comes to an end, do you choose to log out? If you confirm to log out, you only need to consume one hundred civilization points during the novice protection period. Normally, you need to consume five hundred civilization points.

  After hearing this reminder, Luo Ji was awake for a moment, and the temptation to return to the civilized world made him move, but as a reasonable person, he quickly remembered the reminder that Gao Su had given him before. Whether you log out or log in, you need to consume civilization points.

  Novice protection period is 100 points, one round trip is 200 points, and a normal round trip is actually 1,000 points? !! Is this too dark? Thanks to him, he discovered a natural wonder today and earned a thousand civilization points. Otherwise, according to the efficiency of a normal novice earning points, after developing several projects, it is basically before returning to liberation! At this moment, Luo Ji was able to understand why Gao Su said that novices were short of civilization points, and he was obviously lucky.

  Thinking of this, he already had a decision in his heart, "Can't afford to retreat ..."