The Red Fox Tribe

"Chasing!" I don't know if it's because of the mask. At this time, Luo Ji's voice was a bit low, and coupled with the unusually embarrassing appearance of the wolfbone mask, he added a bit of horror to the whole person.

  Eight monsters with non-human faces are chasing behind them. The three savages who escaped are estimated to have even exerted the energy of feeding, desperately escape, desperately escape! One by one, they ran their heads and dared not turn around! The previous glance scared the three of them lightly, thinking that they had bumped into something like ghosts and demons, for fear they would be killed by those eight monsters once their eyes were aligned.

  However, at this moment, as the hunting party, Luo Yong, also wearing a wolfbone mask, controlled his speed and quickly approached Luo Ji's side. "Clan, the three guys who ran away in front of me, I am a bit look familiar."

  "Which tribe are they from?" Luo Ji asked, while chasing after not slowing down.

  "If I remember correctly, I should be from the Red Fox Tribe."

  "Red Fox Tribe?" Luo Ji obviously didn't have any impression of the name. The system setting that originally appeared in his mind did not describe this so-called Red Fox tribe.

  "It is a small tribe with a population similar to ours, and the strength is estimated to be inferior to us." Having said that, Rayong thought about it and spoke again. "At that time, the positions of our two tribes were quite close, they estimated It was also in the previous snowstorm that it appeared near here. "

  The number is almost the same as before? And the strength is weaker than them. Luo Ji, who obtained these two information from Luo Yong's mouth, suddenly knew, "In other words, we can easily defeat them now, right?"

  "I think it's okay." Luo Yong nodded earnestly. Although only eight fighters were chased out this time, their combat effectiveness has long been different than before, and the small tribes like the Red Fox tribe can hold hands. It is estimated that there are no more than eight soldiers, and they are definitely not their opponents.

  At this moment, Luo Ji showed full trust in the first warrior of his tribe, and directly modified the original plan. "Continue to chase, everyone controls the speed and saves the physical strength. Let 's see if the three guys will Take us to their tribe, and when they do, they will be overkill.

  People whose mental will is destroyed by unknown fear will obviously decline in thinking ability, or they have no extra energy to think about something else. The fear in their hearts will make them instinctively escape to where they feel safe, and In the snow and ice, in addition to where their tribe companions are located, where else can they feel a touch of security?

  Along the way, three frightened savages quickly fled back to the temporary camp where the rest of the Red Fox Tribe was located. It was a hill. At this time, more than 20 people from the Red Fox Tribe were hiding in the mountains. Under the hill, the natural terrain barrier formed by the hills shields them from snow and wind.

  "What's wrong? Didn't you guys go hunting?" Looking at the three people who fled in fright, the leader of the Red Fox tribe had an ominous premonition in his heart.

  "Strange, monster! There are monsters !!!"

  The three barbarians plunged into the pile of one head, then folded their hands on the innermost side of the hill with their heads folded. The incoherent words frowned the tribal leader.

  "Monster?" He gave a subconscious glance in the direction of the three, and then his brows frowned even tighter. "Where did the monster come from? Nothing!"

  "No, no?" Upon hearing these words, the trembling bodies of the three savages who had escaped were slightly under control, and they held back the fear in their hearts and carefully looked behind them.

  The previous horrible figures did not appear in their sight. Looking at the snow-white snowfield in the distance, the three men who were nervous all the way began to breathe in a big mouth, letting The cold air poured into their throats and lungs, and through this slight tingling sensation, they finally found a touch of realism, and then a kind of rejoicing escaped from their faces, "No chase, no chase Come here, we live, we live! Hahahahaha ... "

  Looking at the three reactions, there was obvious nervousness. It was like a tribal warrior who had gone crazy. The leader of the Red Fox tribe was in doubt, and his two eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball. The response of the famous tribe warrior made him have to care, "What the hell did you encounter? What monster? Tell me clearly!"

  Facing the continuous questioning of their tribal chiefs, the three barbarians' expressions froze at the same time. The emotions that had just eased were shrouded in fear again, "It, they have bodies similar to ours, but their heads are not humans at all!"

  At this point, the horrible appearance of the wolf warrior reappeared in the minds of the three barbarians, and the fear on their faces became more obvious. "Yes, their heads are like beasts and like Dead bones! and holds strange weapons in his hand ... "

  One person and one sentence, the three barbarians with quite unstable emotions finally talked about the situation at that time. The barbarians of the surrounding red fox tribe were somewhat shaken by the words of the three, and the tribal leaders were puzzled. But it is getting heavier.

  "A body similar to ours, with a head that looks like a beast and a dead man's bone? A strange weapon in his hand?" He muttered these words silently in his heart. Seriously, he couldn't make up for it with these words alone. What the hell is it, after all, does that kind of non-human monster really exist? But looking at the three tribal warriors who were obviously frightened, he did not feel that the other party was lying to him.

  The tribes that can survive in this era are either strong enough to plunder the population, food, and resources of other tribes, or they are careful enough to avoid danger and survive carefully.

  The red fox tribe in front is obviously not linked to the word 'strong', but it has survived to this day. Therefore, the leader of their tribe is a very cautious person, although it is not clear what his three tribal warriors are saying. What exactly is a monster, but he did not want to take risks, and decided to leave this temporary haven that was hard to find.

  Although the tribal members were exhausted, they still agreed with their leader's decision. However, before they had any further action, a burly figure suddenly jumped out of the hill behind them!

  Then, with a muffled sound of "bang" and the impulse of landing, a deep pit was smashed in the snow in front of them, and successive screams continued to sound in his ear, and the horrible figure was in the red tiger. In the minds of the tribal leaders, the previous descriptions of the three tribal warriors gradually coincided ...

  "Want to leave? Late!"