Ling Chen’s Plan

After a long and cold night, the sun once again took his rightful place in the sky, igniting the world anew with its majestic brilliance.

At this moment, Ling Chen was already out and trying to figure out a way to rack up a huge amount of good karma. It was the main reason he stopped by the ancient Blue Dragon City on his way to the Sun God Palace.

Blue Dragon City was one of the most populated

Cities throughout the Sun Demi-God Domain. And with such a densely populated MegaCity, there bounds to have many problems and people suffering from all kinda disease and sickness.

As such, Ling Chen wanted to take full advantage of that by spending a few days in the city to collect as many good karmas as possible.

The first thing he needed right now was a base of operation, a place of his own. Blue Dragon City wasn't the same as the other villages he's been to where he could just use the Village's Chief house as his own base of operation.