The Seeds Of the Theocracy Civilization.

It's already been a day since Freya also known as the Goddess of Thunder and Wisdom had chosen her apostle. Just like Freya, the other six celestials had also chosen their apostles in the same grandiose manner.

While Freya had chosen a woman from the human race as her first apostle, Thalia, the Goddess of Nature and Healing had chosen a woman from the Elf race.

Aurora, the Goddess of Fire and Justice chose a human male as her first apostle while Whirl, the God of Wind chose a member of the beastmen race as his first apostle.

Both Minerva and Aether respectively known as the Goddess of War and the God of Time chose humans as their apostles whereas Sachael who was known as the God of Water and Agriculture chose a man from the Elf Race to be his first apostle.

None of them seemed to choose a member from the Orc race to be their apostles. Though the Orcs were physically stronger compared to the humans, they were still a little slow and sometimes behaved like brainless wild beasts.